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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

#Online Open mic - Storytelling


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Stories help us connect emotionally with the fictional characters that are somewhat like us but sometimes very different and distant from us, making us realise a lot from a bird's eye point of view. Writing a story is an art so is storytelling. The artists are welcomed by StoryMirror to weave tales on any topic that they like in English and the top 30 writers will get a chance to read out their stories in StoryMirror online open mic event with audiences unknown, stories unheard, and passion unseen. All you have to do it submit a story through the submissions link.

Let your inked words fly in the open air amidst a crowd full of story lovers.


  1. You can submit your content on any theme.
  2. There are no restrictions on genre.
  3. Winners will be decided based on editorial scores.
  4. Participants should submit their original content. There is no limit to the number of content you submit.
  5. There is no word limit.
  6. Any submission made over email or as hard copy or without using the contest link will not be eligible for entry.
  7. There is no participation fee.

Category: Story

Languages: English


  1. All participants will receive a participation certificate.
  2. Top 30 participants will get a golden chance to be the part of StoryMirror online open mic event and will also be awarded StoryMirror shop voucher worth Rs. 150/-
  3. Winner certificates to all the winners.

Submission period: Oct 08 , 2022 to Oct 31, 2022

Result: Nov 2022


Email: neha@storymirror.com

Phone number: +91 9372458287