Jefrin Baby
Literary Captain

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Just a beginner. I play with words . Writer in Instagram : @__her__last__words__ Spread love ЁЯзб

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Baby, Your unconditional Love in the dawn is a food to my soul and your limitless cuddle in the dusk is a food for my skin!

Social media isn't about posting beautiful pics or expressing who you are. Bringing forward even unknown people to get into beautiful relationships is it's highlight! ┬йJefrin baby

Dear music, At times of distress you are my companion. At times of pain you are my heal. At times of disaster you are my rehabilitation And at times of disease you are my medicine.

Dear Ex, The truth is that I still love you. And the fact is that I pretend like, forgetting you!

Dear, Being with you in public places during these days of love and acknowledging that you are my better half, isn't true courage. Standing with you in the Altar holding the wedding ring amidst our cherished circle is true courage!

The days we stayed as promising couples have evaded as just dreams. The days which made me pen poetry for you is all the reality! ┬й Jefrin Baby

All my manly power & might knelt at her feet, after spending that holy night, worshiping her altar of Venus! ┬й Jefrin Baby

Your heart is the reason for the peace of my inner soul. Your flesh is the reason for the peace of my sinful skin. Your lips are the reason for the peace of my longing tongue. And, Your tabernacle is the reason for the peace of my flute, singing hymn!

Dear karma, You don't want to be a boomerang for the people who gifted me pain and suffering in the past years. Instead send me back the love and affection I shared with others, as a winter boomerang gift. ┬й Jefrin Baby



