Anuradha T
Literary Colonel


Educator writer author of the year winner 2022. (presented paper on vocational training for gifted students) at National conference on education published paper on the same , achieved many certifications in Special education and vocational training,Psychology graduate bachelor of... Read more

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Picnic and relaxation are entwined both are dependent on each other picnic helps us to relax and feel fresh as we tend to go to places that provide these aspects on a picnic

Picnic and relaxation are entwined both are dependent on each other picnic helps us to relax and feel fresh as we tend to go to places that provide these aspects on a picnic

Heat wave is very hard to be tolerated required amount of water needs to be consumed to keep the body Hydrated lest we fall sick good amount of seasonal fruits and butter milk are best suited to get through this wave of summer heat wave

Vacation and relaxation are connected they provide refreshment to mind and body which is much required for our well Ness so go on vacation when possible and feel good

Resilience is not dependent upon only the circumstances and situations it is determined by how you react and respond to resilient situations if you overcome them you get success

మనిషికి విశ్రాంతి చాలా అవసరం కనుక అలసటగా ఉంటే విశ్రాంతి తీసుకోవాలి కానీ అది బద్దకం గా మారకుండా ఉండాలంటే సరియిన పద్దతి ప్రకారం పని చేయాలి

Few people who are termed as wanderlust keep on travelling to new places to may be simply chill,, to enjoy the beauty of the place visited or for any other reason

Akshaya tritiya a very auspicious occasion which should be made special with small deeds of dedicated efforts that may provide relief and solace for the needed it can be in the form of good words, possible donations of food,cloth and money instead of only purchasing gold and silver

Akshaya tritiya a very auspicious occasion which should be made special with small deeds of dedicated efforts that may provide relief and solace for the needed it can be in the form of good words, possible donations of food,cloth and money instead of only purchasing gold and silver



