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A Good Day

A Good Day

1 min

Waking up on the bed,

With the first kiss of Sun,

I started my day,

Alight with a morning run.

The petals curled,

And the leaves shined;

Beating the hearts out,

The trees freshen the mind.

Feet flying to work,

In the hustle of crowd;

Amidst the busy tracks,

And honks on to loud.

Time slipped through the desk,

With work on the rhyme;

The clock flew up,

With smiles to chime.

And it was evening,

Time back to home;

Caring and sharing,

With a tune to hum.

A chat with family,

And the clock struck nine;

Getting all ready,

On the table to dine.

Sleep caught my eyes,

With a chest of dreams;

And I lay on the bed,

With the warmth of the beams.

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