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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Ratna Kaul Bhardwaj



Ratna Kaul Bhardwaj




2 mins

A four walled structure made of bricks, wood and mortar,

Our first dwelling place after the mother’s lap, a supporter.

Neatly polished or smudged, howsoever may be the walls,

But souls free to laugh, to rejoice, few strolling, few scrawls.

A serene place to enjoy liberty, free to breath ,to write, to read,

Satisfaction, freedom of expression, no laws to follow or to lead

A place to give shape to ideas, and turn Fantasies into reality,

And to find a solution to a problem with complete solidarity.

A place where eyes shine, lips smile and hearts resonate,

big- small, true- false, the issues but no vengeance and no hate.

A home is to live in, not just a place to be on abode,

A closed structure where purity dwells, Souls in passionate bond.

It is an aspect where foundation and values get nurtured,

Where one feels comfortable with varied branches of that orchard.

Where sharing , love and caring amuses the members,

And sanity-insanity on bosom, make indescribable pictures.

Let home be a wonderland of those experiences varied

Where the conflicts, the ego, the vengeance should all be buried

The life full of challenges , one has to be on one’s own self,

Let the individual perspective be to build a rapport, first with oneself.

Then that unity reflects even when there is a bent In the backbone,

The symbol of wisdom, spiritual insight dwells in that home sweet home.

A home or house divided against itself cannot stand,

The fact is, the real joy of life lies in that mysterious wonderland………..

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