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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Salai Kulamani Birlasekar

Abstract Drama


Salai Kulamani Birlasekar

Abstract Drama



1 min

Wandered along the jocund company,

Of chatterbox and loud ocean,

Treaded heavily through the wet sea sand,

Counted my footprints,

Walked back and forth,

Watching foamy waves

Wiping tirelessly off my footprints;

Formless fellas shamelessly stole my steps!

Tired of losing the steps,

Sat in front of the waves to fetch them back,

Waves ebbed so high with roaring anger,

Tried their best to push me away,

And said, the jocund company is never free;

Instantaneously tears rolled down -

Waves turned softer;

Wiped my tears off...

As time passed, the purpose was altered!

I whispered to the tides:

"Please wipe me off as well"

A huge tide pushed me away from the shore;

I lay there faceless and traceless alone...

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