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Being Cool!

Being Cool!

1 min

The morning today feels dizzy,

The night just passed, was rather hazy!

The pit-pat rain drops – they call me crazy;

For I have no clue to fathom them, maybe!

The gloominess accentuates the murkiness,

While my focus seems to be perhaps less.

It's okay, to have a heart full of tenderness

That might yet conflict the mind, “Oh I’m a mess!”

Being cool has a different temperament,

Maybe it does not mean to have a badass head!

Maybe it asks to have that heart for the emaciated,

Perhaps it asks to be the shelter for the unspoken lad.

It asks to lend a shoulder for grandpa’s heavy bag,

It asks to leave your seat for that expectant lady.

You don’t have to look sturdy or have a beard for that!

Maybe that makes one cool – like real cool!

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