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yukta jain

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational


yukta jain

Abstract Fantasy Inspirational

Earth And The Mars

Earth And The Mars

2 mins

Earth and The MarsOnce there was a conversation between the Earth and the Mars

The Earth began, “Hey, you Mars so dirty!

Look at me so green and blue

And look at you;

So red…..”

On this, Mars said, “don’t tell me dirty,

Look at my charity.

I don’t let the asteroids

Come out of their way

Cause, if they come

They’ll come like a sunray

And burn your head!”

On this, the Earth laughs and says, “Who cares?.

I have an atmosphere

Which protects my sphere

And has many layers.

Whenever an asteroid comes

Before burning my head

It burns in the belt!”

On this, Mars said, “don’t you remember?

An asteroid you laid!”

Confused Earth, Just took a jerk

and asked, “What hell you tell?”

On this Mars laughed, “didn't you understand my little joke?

I am telling you about the asteroid

Which landed on your globe!”

“Yes,” said the Earth and replied, “But it formed a cup

Which makes beautiful

This Earth!”

“OH really?” said the Mars

And asked, “What did it do

Such a cast?”

The Earth smiled and said, “It formed a lake,

Which is a beautiful thing,

And useful for many living beings.”

“Nice,” said the Mars with a sight, “But don’t you remember

It took how many members?”

“Yes,” said the Earth, “Because of the asteroid

Many of them died!”

Then again with a sight

The Earth asked in a tone

Which was very light, “Can you tell me the theory what destroyed you?”

Mars began, “long ago I had an atmosphere

Just like you,

And even my color was blue!

I liked to admire myself but soon the asteroids came

And put me on a roaring flame

Asteroids came in tens and dozens

And I can't imagine how I was frozen!

And then I started to wilt,

I don’t know was it an accident

Or something.

I can’t remember how I became red

But I think nobody cared!”

“and the humans on your surface

Can damage your face.

Already they have

But can now destroy every single space!”

“I am not forcing, you only see

How the green-house gases are growing vigorously.”

“Yes,” said the Earth.

But this time not with a curt,

because he understood

How much he was rude.

Then seeing tears in Mars's eyes

The Earth cries, “My dear friend

You are really very much nice!

and made the mistakes by me, realize. ”

Then by giving an encouraging smile

To make Mars lit

He tried.

And indeed! The Mars lit

And went for his orbit.

The Earth cried from behind, “we will be friends forever,

Which will break never!”

Hearing this the Mars smiles

And happy tears

Prickles his eyes!

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