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I Want More Sugar

I Want More Sugar

1 min

My friend, what is life without some sweetness?

I love sugar, a bit more than most of my friends;

I love sugar, a bit more than the society I live in;

I want sugar, for I don’t wanna live a bitter life;

I love sugar, and a little MORE sugar causes no harm;

Gulping in sugar since a kid, I don’t want a sugarless life.

Sugar is what makes life worth living for me;

Sugar is quite cheap here as far as I know;

Yet why people are so tight-fisted about it, I dunno.

That every time I hop into some café and order coffee;

I have to shout ‘I Want MORE sugar’;

And they give me the kind of look as if I am an alien!

If only people worried as much about poverty;

If only people cared so much about social bias;

If only people cared so much about peace;

If only people cared so much as to help one in need;

As they care about giving a little MORE sugar;

How sweet this world would be indeed!

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