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Indrani Chatterjee

Others Children


Indrani Chatterjee

Others Children

Incantation of Colours

Incantation of Colours

1 min

Colours depict emotions, colours depict nature,

Colours define the empty canvas, becomes identity of every structure.

If it's red wine it's rumbustious celebration,

If it's blood flowing in veins, it indicates life's trepidation. 

When pink plays magic it depicts faminine penchant,

It seizes a lovelorn heart and its rosy shade readily enchants.

The sheen of white is semblance of tolerance,

It reflects all colours magnanimously yet always wears harmony and innocence. 

Canopy of black mingles mystery in the air, can also be a mark of disdain,

But when it wears the look of juvenility and sophistication, it proudly claims its eminence.

Emphatic green endows land with growth and enrichment,

It conjures fertility and prosperity and confluence of lives in its encirclement. 

The enthusiasm of orange stimulates energy and determination,

It's brightness effulges the zest and zeal for life in perpetuation.

When yellow heralds sunshine and warmth, it gives your time a fresh kick-start,

It enlivens every object it illuminates making it stand apart.

The pervasive blue encircles the azure belt and rippling water

It's limpid charm infuses serenity in every corner.

Quietude and serenity are it's integral part, yet at times it becomes sign of dolor and fear. 

In this planet and beyond every colour has its profound impact

They play their variegated role in every sphere affixing pulsation that unflinchingly attract. 

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