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Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Fantasy Thriller


Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Fantasy Thriller

Pride of the Darkness

Pride of the Darkness

1 min

Baffled with unforeseen times; I delve into the sea of darkness,

To drench myself in the pool of unending pain.

Relishing each gulp of agony that embraces my soul,

I rise up from my ashes; soaked in the clouds of divine rain.

With miles of journey in twenty six years; I lived each blinking day,

My arduous hands had never said; here we stop the game.

The new sun from the northern skies had words for me; it said,

Being an avid listener; I bathed myself in the holy glowing flame.

I carried a tinge of pride along; though humble was my face,

My lucky day had ample light to make me rejoice. 

Despite glistening clouds around; I gave no worth in sense,

Untill the day when gloomy skies choked my jovial voice.

Yet today I must admit; darkness has a grace,

It brings the worth I often failed to grasp as a human being.

The scarlet hues that drape the sky seem too beautiful,

My ardent eyes have learned to praise the role of a tiny string.

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