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Resoluteness And Resolutions

Resoluteness And Resolutions

1 min

At the cracker of the midnight

Burst the new year

Old moments of 2019 taken over by the

New moments of 2020.

Will the vision be better?


As the new dawn broke through

I was on my feet

Pacing up the street

The dogs unusually muted

Didn’t bother to greet.

Then I saw the rising sun

A ball of orange

Hiding behind the canopy

As if to challenge

Catch me if you can.

A distant prayer

Harsh in the ear

Neither raga or rhyme

But I kept with my rhythm. 


Dog family with their litter

By the lake playing

Passed by I did.

I see the men

In various postures

Heralding the new dawn


Traffic as usual buzzing and hustling

A question in mind, has anything changed?

It seems to be a case of

All in one’s mind.


Now I feel the endorphins coursing through

Thoughts have begun to take shape

Into words and verses to be keyed in. 

Knees in pain praying in vain 

Mind gives a brief reprieve

Back to the paces


Leisurely done, I am not in any race.


Balancing act in the yoga

Stretches undo the knots

Of both muscles and of life

The new year has begun well

Keeping the resolutions with one’s resoluteness.

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