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Khushi Kaul

Inspirational Others


Khushi Kaul

Inspirational Others

Spectrum of Emotions

Spectrum of Emotions

2 mins

In the canvas of Holi, where hues dance free,

A tapestry woven of human decree.

Each color a whisper of emotions untold,

In every shade, a story to behold.

Behold the red, a fervent blaze,

Passion aflame in the sun's warm embrace.

It pulses through veins, a torrential flood,

Igniting hearts with a fiery bud.

Yellow spills forth, a cascade of glee,

In laughter and song, it sets souls free.

Joyous echoes in every gleeful cry,

Underneath the azure of the endless sky.

Green, envy's cloak, draped in disguise,

Masking the truth behind envious eyes.

It creeps and coils, a venomous vine,

Twisting and turning, its tendrils entwine.

Blue, the tranquil hue of serene repose,

Where troubled minds find momentary close.

In the quiet depths of a tranquil sea,

Reflections of self in clarity.

Orange ignites, a fervor untamed,

In the heat of the moment, desires inflamed.

The fervent dance of flames aglow,

In the twilight's embrace, passions grow.

Purple, the twilight's ethereal kiss,

Mingling hues in a tender abyss.

A blend of red and blue, passion and peace,

In twilight's embrace, all troubles cease.

But beyond the riot of colors so bright,

Lies a tapestry woven of shadow and light.

For within each hue, a story is spun,

Of battles fought, and victories won.

In the midst of revelry, introspection finds space,

Amidst the chaos, a moment of grace.

For in the vibrant hues of Holi's embrace,

Lies the essence of the human race.

So let us dance, in this kaleidoscope of feeling,

In every hue, a truth revealing.

For in the canvas of Holi's delight,

We find the spectrum of our soul's respite.

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