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Arvind Sharma

Romance Others


Arvind Sharma

Romance Others

The Dancing Fairy

The Dancing Fairy

1 min

As the thunder roars far away in the sky

A girl who has always been shy

Cannot stop herself from gyrating

The scene is so captivating.

It is tune set by God to which she dances

As if some superpower she romances

The falling drops of rain

Are soothing to her heart and brain.

The body gets into groove

She does not have to perfect any move

The entire body is in motion

She is experiencing unique emotion.

She is not inhibited or shy

There is no one around to watch her fly

She dances to the tune of rain

Forgetting all the pain.

For a while, she loses herself to the rhythm of moves

For to the inaudible music her body grooves.

She dances and does not hurry

There is plenty of time for her to worry.

Rain-gods watch her from the top

Get dismayed when she does stop

For once she had thrown her inhibitions out of the door

Had someone seen her grooving it might have caused furor.

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