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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Venkatesh R

Children Stories Classics Inspirational


Venkatesh R

Children Stories Classics Inspirational

The Kid

The Kid

1 min

In this world, a child with a vibrant mind, Whose spirit dances to a different beat. The parents face the struggles, intertwined, Their love, is unwavering, a constant feat.

Yet, society's gaze casts a judgment stern, Misunderstanding, they label and define. But hidden depths, unseen lessons learned, In autistic souls, brilliance doth align.

For in this tapestry of human grace, Celebrities emerge, their light ablaze. Dan Aykroyd, a talent we embrace, And Temple Grandin, whose wisdom conveys.

Their gifts, a testament to love's pure gaze, Autistic souls, inspiring our days.

But let's not forget the unsung heroes, The parents who tirelessly strive and care. Through endless battles, they stand as beacons, Unyielding love their armor strong and rare.

They champion their children, hearts ablaze, Break down barriers, and forge a path anew. With patience, strength, and unwavering gaze, They nurture growth, helping dreams come true.

In the face of challenges, they persist, Their unwavering love will never wane. For in their hearts, a flame forever kissed The children's light, a beacon they maintain.

So, let us cherish the autistic soul, Embrace their gifts, their minds' intricate art. For in their world, true beauty does unfold, And love's unyielding power leaves a mark.

Through understanding, empathy, and care, We can create a world where all can thrive. Where differences are celebrated, and every child's potential can revive.

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