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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Venkatesh R

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Venkatesh R

Abstract Classics Inspirational

The Legend

The Legend

1 min

Oh boy, 

Oh, hungering adolescent mind,

Your dispersion of information 

Endured your lineage 

From destitution.

In a realm of the expanse of belief, 

You reckoned with intellectual 

And hard work.

Oh, Sir,

Oh, aiming researcher,

As the missile took off, with critics, 

You resumed with the ordeal of the blaze.

As the accomplishment hurdled, after 

The inception of failure, an eternity of

 Scientists got characterized 

In a less known province. 

Oh, professor,

Oh, aspiring president.

As the politics brushed your 

Ambitions, proficiency, and 

Supervision encourages 

The prospects adolescent.

Oh, author,

Oh, the wings of the fire of 

Compassion, man.

The naturalness of your dabbled 

Emotions influenced the 

Wings of myriad.

With a yard of visions to be 

Inferred into presence.

Oh, lord

Oh, have grace Lord,

Why you desire to embezzle?

Our competent leader.

While he helmed us to vacuum,

It's hard to let the connoisseur in 

The dusk of recklessness.

The interment armies strutted for 

The gracious soul.

The coffin beholds the treasure 

Of the nation, as ammunition 

Expended in convoy.

The ignited mind lives endlessly.

The passion sets a dream sets a pathway where the consequence of hurdles is achieved with ingenious and commitment.

The advent is not under our prudence, but the cruise of our expedition is under our discretion.

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