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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

Venkatesh R

Drama Others


Venkatesh R

Drama Others

The Void

The Void

2 mins

The unexplained blast released the sperm of protons and electrons

That fused together to raise life in the least probability.

The time led to the evolution, the darkness propelled the speckles where the gravity gave them attraction.

The battle between two force released energy 

Who won? 

Who lost?

All it ended in a creation.

But the war resulted in cells of galaxies replicating themselves all around the womb.

Some providing stars being the center of leadership.

Some choose to be a planet with heart, controlled by neutrals and pumped with black matter giving rise to stems.

The other expedites towards the black hole and white dwarf by developing Alzheimer where nothing escapes.

Does the womb pose life with time, 

does it process identical twins?

Does it process embryo capable of nonidentical replicas in the womb?

But what are its limitations and what is its maturity? 

How far they get connected with telepathy and get named as time travel through the parallel universe?

Only the time can answer what a womb can processes.

Simple elements occupying periodic table gave life with interactions and serendipity happened.

Do fumes have emotion and memory? 

No clue, but fume should have emotion when it exists as an intelligent life form.

Protect the life that appeared with serendipity when we don't have a choice in birth,

why quit and dictate extinction to others through self-harm, terrorism, and crime.

It could be the sperm and womb of God,

It could be pure science with attraction and repulsion between elements.

Everything has a reason for the existence, be pure as we were in the womb, 

Respect all religions.

Respect all life.

Respect other's beliefs as it hails from life.

We are similar and 

we need to respect individuality.

Let the time direct our destiny as the galaxy formed in the womb called the universe

and we got formed in the womb of Galaxy.

Focus on an attraction called genuine love as even the life or

the universe wouldn't have existed without attraction.

This poem shows how cohesion against barriers leads to life formation if a similar analogy gets applied to life world will be better placed to live.

An analogy can be the future way of learning to address the issues we may face.

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