Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!
Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!



1 min

Tell me, what do you see?


I see a doll, small and pink

Emerald eyes, porcelain skin

And a soul, purest of pure.


The soul! It is troubled. Stabbed.

Her heart torn by pure despair

She is waiting...waiting...

To be strangled by the 'civilized',

People who preach 'brotherhood'.

They would kill her. Yes, they would!

Her cries....Unheard.

Her tears....Unseen.

Her story....Untold.

Tell me now, what do you see?

Me? Again?

I see another doll, bigger this time

Auburn tresses, chestnut eyes.

Broom in her hand, pain in her eyes.

Her childhood?

Lost and forgotten in her mother's lap

Her hand...

Stretches out to a dreamy shelf, beyond her reach,

Only to be dealt a slap.

She is waiting...waiting...

For her hands to be dyed red,

A veil to adorn her head,

And declare her freedom dead.

Her plea....Unheard.

Her misery....Unseen.

Her tale....Untold.

Tell me, what do you see?

Yet again??

I see a maiden, young and sweet

Threads of worry and fear apparent on her face.

Strung to them are pearly tears.

She is waiting...waiting....

To see her master's dominant shadow

Crushing her dreams and soul.

Leaving her cramped in her deep, dark hole.

Her woes?....Her anguish?.....Her torment?....

As always.....


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