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Classics Thriller Children



Classics Thriller Children

Whispers of Ocean

Whispers of Ocean

1 min

Beneath the endless azure skies,

Where seagulls soar with plaintive cries,

A world of wonder, vast and free,

Lies hidden in the whispers of the sea.

The waves, they murmur soft and low,

Tales of creatures that freely flow,

From dolphins dancing in the light,

To whales that breach with all their might.

The coral gardens, vibrant and bright,

Shelter life is a wondrous sight,

With colors that the eye beguile,

In the whispers of the ocean mile by mile.

Beneath the surface, a world unknown,

Where ancient mysteries have grown,

The whispers carry stories untold,

Of shipwrecks, legends, and treasures of gold.

So close your eyes and listen well,

To the secrets that the waters swell,

For in the ocean's gentle motion,

Lies the eternal whispers of the ocean.

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