Aahwanit Satapathy



Aahwanit Satapathy


A Disciplined day - Day 5 favourite mythological character

A Disciplined day - Day 5 favourite mythological character

1 min

One day, Aryan and I left for Keyboard class. But as we reached, we got to know that sir was absent. We became really sad as our parents had gone out and weren’t coming till late. Our teacher said that we get to watch Mahabharat instead. We both agreed and started to watch happily. I was so captivated by it, that I started to watch imagining a day with Arjun. Arjun is my favorite mythological character. This is how I spent my day.

        As always, I woke up early in the morning for archery class. Today Arjun wake up earlier than me, we all went to the Gurukul. Today, we were learning how to defend ourselves if we don’t have our weapon. First, Acharya Dron said us to mediate and focus all our energy for 3 hours. After that we learned, how to focus our energy to one point and create a weapon out of natural objects. But I won’t be able to say the whole story after this as I was woken up for snoring too loud.

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