A Dream To Die For

A Dream To Die For

2 mins

This is a story of how my peaceful, simple life was ruined... Just like my homeland- Syria.

The treacherous war begun in 2011 wreaking all our lives; uprooting our tree of happiness. All we know now is despair and agony. Our ears are numb listening to the sirens wailing and the land quake beneath us. The beautiful stone alleyways of Damascus, the ancient Palmyra, the mesmerizing Lattakia, all these places which we Syrians held dear escaped from our grasp. The cheerful past had faded away.

I get flashbacks, like scenes from my golden childhood;the most cherished part of my life spent playing around in the marketplace without fear of being killed, smiling to strangers and being smiled back at instead of grief-struken eyes staring at me. These fragments of my broken heart keep me determined to long for just one path- The path to salvation.

I dream of blue skies and green valleys. I dream of laughing echos and everlasting calm. I dream of warmth of loved ones and treasured friendship. I dream of chirping birds, not explosives jarring. I dream of a united world, not desolated nations. I dream of breaking free from this hellfire. One day for sure, the radiant sun shall shine upon this desolate and bereft land, expelling the darkness that lurks within these shattered walls. This is a dream that I would die for.

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