Regina S

Horror Thriller


Regina S

Horror Thriller

A Ghost's Unfulfilled Wish - 18

A Ghost's Unfulfilled Wish - 18

6 mins

Chapter 18

John could not see the ghost in CCTV but he saw his and Fayaz laptop was 'ON' and some invisible person was working on it, John was horrified… he felt his blood turn cold. With hands on his head, He flopped down on the chair... “It's clear the ghost which saved me and my friends from that scary forest has not left me? But why hasn’t it left me yet? Why it is following me?” Narayan asked “so.. have you felt this ghost following you since the day you were stuck in the forest?”. John couldn’t utter a word… he just shook his head yes as a reply with his eyes still stuck on the laptop screen, “I am very sure this was the one that saved us”. He started searching for something from his pocket, he took out his mobile and dialled Sandeep but call went unanswered... “who are you calling?” asked Narayan. “my friend” replied John. “wait a second John first listen to me…” said Narayan... John looked at him, “not here let's go out and talk” said Narayan. They both walked into the conference room, Narayan said “do you know what John? As you think this ghost isn't behind you since the day it saved you from the forest?”. John gave him a Questioned look. “it's been behind you from even before that” replied Narayan. “How do you say that? asked John. Narayan replied “Do you remember? you said you feel like someone is always with you? I strongly felt some presence behind you and that is why I asked you to keep the video recorder in your house”. “But nothing was recorded in it” replied John instantly. “No it was recorded” said Narayan... John was shocked.”But I saw nothing”. “yes, that was a surprise to me too” replied Narayan and told him what was recorded in the video and when he recorded again how the ghost had threatened him. John shivered... “What am I supposed to do now? How do I get rid of this ghost? Who is it? anyway Why is it behind me?” asked John... “Tell me who it is John? As a person have you seen her before?” Asked Narayan. “Are you talking about the ghost? How do you know it's she? Did you see who it was?” John came up with lot of questions... Narayan said “ It's a girl I could see her clearly”, John interrupted “but I all I saw was something invisible working on our laptop I couldn't see any figure at all” replied John... “Oh then I strongly feel you might know her personally” said Narayan... John was very restless “but how do I find out who it is?” Narayan said “relax John you first go home search for that Swamiji's contact and call him, if you cannot find then let me know I will take you to another person who can help us with the issue”.

Both John and Narayan came back to their desk, John packed his stuff and left office. Fayaz who kept looking at John's worried face walked into Narayan's cabin and said “Narayan I suspect John. I think he has deleted my PPT” Narayan who was already upset yelled at Fayaz “ Ohh….so you suspect John eh? ... Fayaz got scared Narayan said “I checked the CCTV footage and it is you who had deleted his PPT, when did you become this cheap? I had so much confidence in you but you’ve disappointed me”... Fayaz was guilty, he said “I am sorry Narayan I shouldn't have done that but you know very well I work really hard but all credit goes to John. I did this out of jealousy. I wanted to prove that I am better than him. I am really sorry. After few seconds Narayan said “stop comparing yourself with John. you both are talented in your own way, I will let this go but make sure you don't repeat this. if you do, then I will take serious action”... “No I will not repeat this” said Fayaz. Narayan said “fine get back to work, John left for the day so let's postpone your PPT presentation for tomorrow”... Worried Fayaz asked is “John aware of what I did?” Though John was aware Narayan said “no he isn't. Now you get back to your desk. But remember if you repeat this then you will have to face the consequences”... Fayaz assured he wouldn't and went out of Narayan's cabin.

John tried calling Sandeep, again there was no response from him, he then called Charles , he answered... “Where are you Charles? I wanna discuss something with you” said “John... Is all fine John? Why do you sound worried? Enquired Charles... Something is not okay Charles, I wanna talk to you about that” said John. “what is it?” asked Charles. “it is about the ghost which was behind us” replied John... “Our offices is pretty close, give me 15 minutes I will meet you in the cafe which is near your office” said Charles and John agreed to it and took a walk to the cafe... Exactly in 15 minutes they met. John had no patience to even say 'Hi' to Charles, the minute Charles entered John said “ the ghost has still not left me, it might be with us even now”, Charles said “relax John first calm down take a deep breath and then tell me”... John replied “no Charles you will not say this if you know what happened”. “fine tell me what happened?” Asked Charles... John told him about ghost restoring PPT in his laptop, he told him about ghost which was recorded in the mobile... “Does that mean this ghost was with you even before we going on a trip?” Asked Charles. “yes it was” said John and shared all those scary things which happened, John continued “I think Swamiji's contact should be in your car. you check and let me know. I must call him and get rid of this ghost”... Charles said “but John answer my question, this ghost has never troubled you, it is always been helping you be it in your office or when we were stuck in the forest then why should we get rid of the ghost?”John thought for a while and said “that's true Charles this ghost has never troubled me, it is been helping me, tomorrow if I am stuck in some problem this ghost will save me for sure, so as you said let it stay with me helping me always, but who is this ghost why is it helping me?” asked John in confusion... Charles said “why do you worry about who it is, just feel happy you have a good soul with you, do recommend to your ghost friend to even help me at times” to relieve the tension, John laughed out loud... They both walked out from the café. “fine dude I will have to get back to work, take care see you” said Charles and left... John was not in a mood to get back to work, he decided to go home, he looked at the mirror and thought to himself "hey good soul, I don't know who you are but you have been helping me so I wish to see you once" he closed his eyes and said "now when I open my eyes I will look at my bike mirror and I wish to see your image there" John slowly opened his eyes and looked at the mirror but the mirror cracked and shattered.

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