A Little Tenant

A Little Tenant

8 mins

As soon as Madhu opened her eyes, she was in the hospital. The nurse standing in front of her smiled, looking at her. Nurse congratulated her and said that delivery was normal and she had given birth to a son. Madhu breathed with a sense of satisfaction. Slowly rolled her hands on her stomach and smiled closing her eyes.

She did not understand whether she should celebrate this happiness or not? Normally, when a woman becomes a mother, it brings happiness to her and her family. They feel that they have inherited precious treasures of the world. How much they enjoy? But how does it matter for her?

She has done all these for the happiness of someone else. When she lost herself in the past, her mother Gomathi came there. She gently caressed her forehead and kissed her. She felt that Madhu was sleeping. She was just about to go out and wait when Madhu held her hands. Tears came rolling in mother’s eyes.

Clearing her tearful eyes with her sari pallu she asked, ”How is your health, dear?”

Madhu told with a mild smile, “I am well mother.”

Gomati advised her to take rest and sat on a sofa kept in the front but her mind was disturbed. Alas! Had this happened ten years ago, life would have turned different. Who knows what is destined?

Being from the middle class family, Gomati got Madhu married to a good family. Kushagra had liked her.Gomti had completed her responsibilities and wanted to spend the life peacefully. She was worried that Madhu could not give the family a descendant. Slowly and slowly the blame was put squarely on Madhu. There was nothing lacking in her treatment and Madhu was found innocent. Before Kushagra could think of consultation his mother stopped him. There would be no defect in her son. They told that Madhu was barren and planned for a divorce. The mother–in–law Savita Devi created such an atmosphere that it became difficult for Madhu to live peacefully. Seeing her pain and agony Kushagra kept a distance from her and after three years of torture, he divorced her.

Madhu returned back to her mother. What can a helpless mother do? Somehow time was spent in depression and sadness, what else can be done. How long life can be spent crying? Madhu got a good job at one place. Now mother and daughter lived together. Mother wanted that Madhu's house should be restored again provided they get a good relationship, but a doubt seemed to disturb her. The reason for the breakdown of the first marriage was the biggest problem. On the other hand, Madhu was not ready to accept. The wounds of insults, disgust and disdain had not healed yet. She would like to live life alone but no marriage. The mother took her to a doctor. The opinions of the psychiatrists were also obtained, physical checks up were also done so that there was no hindrance. During this exercise, a very good doctor named Dr Shalini was identified. Her clinic was nearby. The doctor needed a tutor for her children. Madhu had told to help in the evening after office hours. She needed some work to keep her engaged. Gradually the friendship grew between Shalini and Madhu. They shared each other's joys and sorrows. Years passed like this.

Gomathi wanted a small house. Everything was going well but the increasing rent of houses affected the budget badly. But a large amount was needed for a house. There must be some way to earn more.

Nearly a year back Madhu and Shalini had planned to go for an outing. So Madhu reached her clinic when she was busy with her patients. Madhu had to sit in her cabin for some time. Dr Shalini was consoling a woman sitting in front of her and making her understand, “There is no need to cry any more. By the advancement of medical sciences, a childless person has a way to have a child. IVF or surrogacy (embryonic substitution) i.e. obtaining a child by establishing embryos in someone else's womb”.

It will be one’s own child - not adopted. Only the child will grow in another womb. Many women were coming forward to rent their womb these days. For those who had a financial problem they got money and others got the child. What better example may be there than this mutual cooperation.

The life of the daughter must be saved somehow. Due to her depression, she should not commit any mistake. God has given everything in both the houses except the children. There will be no dearth of money. If your daughter and son-in-law meet you and agree with the proposal, then the lives of several people can be improved. Doctor, you are no less than a Goddess for us. After some time Shalini saw her off. When she returned she saw Madhu weeping. She felt that they were discussing her problem.

She told, “Alas! I had met a doctor like you before so that I could have improved my life”.Then with a smile she said, "What is the use now?”

Then Shalini spoke suddenly. “Madhu listen, do not take it otherwise. After hearing you something has come to my mind which I cannot hold without telling, Can you help her daughter? The first thing is that from the hell which you have suffered you can help someone else. Is it not a virtue to save someone from drowning? Secondly, you do not want to get married but you have lived the life of a married. You have suffered for not having a child of your own. But you may have the experience of bearing somebody’s child in your womb for nine months. The third important point is that you may get a big amount. So please ponder over this.

The talk which started with fun and laughter disturbed Madhu. It looked as though she was suffering from the pains, taunts, abusive words, ridicules and stigma once again. Many days passed in lamenting. At last Gomati could ask Shalini one day, ”Shalini's dear see her once. I do not know why she remains sad always? During the talk Shalini told everything. Gomati became very angry at first. She got furious with Shalini. Your proposal seems very good but what would the people say about both of us? Already we have suffered by the divorce when nobody even bothered to know as to who was at fault. Shalini told, "The feelings of the people do no good to anyone. How many people could help you? When even your healthy daughter was called barren it was the biggest smear of the society against women. The fault must have lied with the husband. Why did the people not accept it? I had just proposed this by which Madhu can wash off her stigma. There is no harm trying but her in-laws would be ashamed when they come to know of her fertility. Why should I force anybody? It talked about this only when Madhu was present in my chamber just at that time. Otherwise, several cases take place about which I have not told anybody till today. Several days had elapsed after this talk. The woman with her son-in-law and daughter came to Shalini one day for surrogacy. They went satisfied with entrusting Shalini with the task of finding such a woman. Now they had to undergo several tests. One day Madhu asked again with curiosity. After that Madhu decided to accept this work. 'My life passes meaninglessly and known people only show their sympathy to me.

Even if I want to forget the past, I am not allowed to. Then what is wrong, if I do some good work? She convinced her mother first and then gave her consent to Dr. Shalini.

After passing several medical tests she had become successful today. She passed her exams today. She had become the mother of a son. Of course, she would not be able to call the child as hers. She will not have any right but she has a wish which she will tell Shalini. According to the condition, it is not necessary to introduce the real parents. But before handing over the child to the parents she will be allowed to see the child once, and take the child in her hands, embrace and store the picture of the child in her eyes. To the little tenant who lived in her womb for nine months, she sowed the seeds of fantasies of her deserted life.

Earlier in the morning before they could request Shalini, the nurse had brought a newborn baby and when the woman, her daughter and son in law stood behind her. They got excited seeing the child with their tearful eyes. The woman told Madhu, ”You are like my daughter; you have filled our house with happiness. We will not go without meeting you. We have learnt everything about you. Daughter, you have not only leased your womb but have given us a treasure of happiness to our house. If you give this treasure by your own hands to your younger sister, by placing it on her lap, then we shall be pleased immensely.

All the doubts of Gomati got cleared. Madhu was surprised thinking as to how that little tenant gave so many new relationships together. But should she charge the rent for the happiness? She will have to talk to Dr. Shalini.

This is English translation of Hindi Story "नन्हा किरायेदार" written by Jyotiramai Pant. (https://storymirror.com/read/story/hindi/4w4jgxm4/nnhaa-kiraayedaar/detail) 

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