Akash Agrawal

Crime Fantasy Inspirational


Akash Agrawal

Crime Fantasy Inspirational

A Nature's Tale

A Nature's Tale

8 mins

There's a story in my head, quite pristine to me.

I don't know whether it is real or it is just a mere collection of thoughts buried deep within somewhere; but that is one experience which whenever strikes my mind, it knocks out my entire world I am living in.

Once again that memory has come over in my head, hovering continuously in round encirclements, making me restless. It is like that I am in some kind of a trance, world around me is getting engulfed under the misty fog all over. And once again I found myself witnessing the very existence of that memory.

It was a rather hot day. Summer was undoubtedly at its best, hot wind (loo) was blowing unstealthily. I was having a hectic day. By the time I finished my work the weather had changed its mood strangely and it was no longer hot outside.

Wind was still blowing but now with an essence of coolness added. It was quite comfortable to be outside in nature that time. Suddenly a thought dropped in my head that, it must have been ages after I noticed the nature around me. I was so taken over with my work and life that I never bothered to bother about even that source of fresh air I am taking in twenty-four-seven. But now that the thought has come to me, it began making me restless, “How can I be so selfish?”

It was almost mid night. My watch was flashing a sharp eleven. Not feeling like eating and a bit preoccupied with my thoughts, I decided to take a walk to the nearby park, where nature is thought to be present at present and people usually go to these kinds of places to perceive nature.

I was finally out on my way to park. Cool wind was blowing in a slow movement, giving a smooth puff to my hair, kissing my cheek and slithering to the hanging bottom of my ears, giving it a slight jerk, just as someone ringing the bells in a temple.

That was quite a feeling I was missing somewhere in my life. I wondered why I couldn't feel such a beauty for so long; well aware of the fact that it has always been here, around me, from the beginning.         

Then an innocent reply came from within, “It maybe because I was not looking for it or may be because, I never contemplated nature as a living thing or alive".

That innocent reply was sufficient to prove me guilty. But that is not exactly the memory I am talking about. That is something yet to be revealed.

Finally I entered in the park.

It was a bit obvious that no one was present there. It was an odd time to be in a park. Most of the lives should be asleep by now and rest of the lives should be busy with their stuff. So there I was, alone in the park surrounded with the trees, all around me. I was finally confronting the nature face-to-face for the first time.

I was moving from one corner to the other, covering the length and breadth of park, enjoying the nature and the cool winds blowing. First round...second round....third ...fourth.....fiff.... I stopped walking at once.

Something was wrong there, I realized. I looked around, but could not see anyone or anything, but still something had changed all of a sudden. There was a dead silence now. Wind had stopped blowing. Not a single tree leave was moving now. It appeared as if everyone was dead all around and I am probably standing in some dead world. I was a bit scared but more puzzled of the scene in front of my eyes.

People may like that deafening silence. They may call it some real peace, but it appeared a bit annoying to me. I was not able to believe my ears that had turned deaf instantly. How can it be that a moment ago the wind was blowing and then stopped all of a sudden? A lot of stupid questions were striking my head then but none of them sounded stupid to me that time.

Are the trees dead all together? Is the wind finished (emptied) just like an LPG cylinder finishes up?

Do they follow some kind of time table to be at one place one time and at other place at some other time? Have I disturbed their world by intruding at this time in their house as an unwelcomed guest? 

Another thought came which made me think even deeper- “Are the trees moaning and crying over something and the wind has just stopped by their sides to share grieve and hear their story in silence to pass it into some distant world where their loved ones might be living”?

Yet another thought came… May be they want me to listen themselves. May be it is after a long time that they have found some companion and want to share their story with.

I know that was a complete insanity. But for that moment, I couldn't restore my so called senses and for some unknown reason, I desperately wanted to listen them. But I didn't have any clue how!

I tried to calm myself down and listen, I tried to concentrate with all my lost senses and finally… I heard something. I was completely flabbergasted with what I was witnessing. But yes, there were some more lives in the garden with me.

I was able to hear some deep, broken and shattered voices coming from all around. I had never heard such sadness in a voice in my entire life.

They asked me some quite simple and innocent questions. I was not able to answer. And every single question took me closer to the fact which showed “how we humans, in order to fulfill our material desires and satisfy our fattened egos, have become no less inhuman than those monsters we find in fiction stories.”

They asked me, Brother! What makes you people think, that you are the only creatures alive here? And what makes you think that we do not contain life; that we are not alive?

You see, we too take birth on earth as you humans do. We too grow up here as you grow up year by year. We too make food for living as you people survive on food. The only difference you may see is that, we make food not only for ourselves but we make food for you humans too. And we are gentle enough to let you have that food without charging you a penny. Is that our crime of offering food to others selflessly?

Are you people stupid enough to confuse us with some soul-less stones or rocks? That you break our bones so inhumanly thinking that it doesn't hurt us?

Brother! What have we taken of yours? Please tell us our sin for which you, humans, kill our children, men, women, elders and everyone else.

Imagine for a while, if someone hurts your dear ones. Just think if someone chops off your child's hand; or someone cuts your brother's or sister's limb apart; or hurt your parents to their life. Doesn’t that scare you? 

Even a mere thought of losing your dear one shatters your world. My dear brother! Just try to imagine that you people murder our entire generation in a blink without having a mere filthy thought. Just because you don't see your hands soaked in red blood of all these innocent lives doesn't mean that you are not a murderer. Brother! That is rather a brutal mass murdering. And you are the only one who is guilty for such a horrendous crime.

Brother! What makes you think that you alone can survive in this world? How can you be dumb enough to believe that you alone can rule the entire planet without us? Just try to imagine a life without a single tree on this planet. You can hardly survive for just a single minute. There won't be any oxygen left for you to breath.

You kill our race - and there won't be any of yours left alive on this planet. Is that what you want- To ultimately destroy the entire planet earth?

Dear Brother! We are apologetically thankful to you for listening to us. People usually come to a park to enjoy some fresh air, spent some quality time in nature and finally go out, planning to find new ways of destroying the same nature. These people are deaf enough to listen to our plea, understanding us is a far cry for them.

Just take our message atleast to some of those ears which have not yet turned deaf and may put their brains into thinking for their own future. Please pass our message to your human world. And do tell them that- “We really feel sorry for you and your race!”

I was sitting there, on the ground, completely thoughtless. A deep and sharp pain had caught me from within somewhere. I lost my voice somewhere in that silence. I was looking around from one tree to another in a complete haste and my eyes were watching them apologetically. That was the very moment when I witnessed life all around me. I saw the trees all alive and living, and caressing each other, and moaning for their loved ones and for me too. The very life which I saw breathing, I saw it suffocating within the four walls of that park.

I closed my eyes, and a tear fell down to my cheek. I couldn't control my feelings. 

Then a smooth puff of air touched my cheek, making the tear cool in touch. I couldn't feel tears dropping further down my cheek, as if the nature itself was wiping and soaking my tears. A sudden puff of air then swayed my hair, again ringing my eardrums, caressing me from head to toe, made me witness my own existence from their lives. 

That saddening silence was finally taken over by the smooth winds and life started happening once more. But I couldn't let go of that beautiful memory which was in itself one of the biggest lesson for my life and was a proof of my existence in this world.

I could see the wind blowing, carrying the messages from one place to other. I could see the trees living as alive as us. May be you too can see the life living in every single life. You too can feel the joy of being alive and so many lives are alive because of the sole reason of you living.

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