Poonam Vaze



Poonam Vaze


A Rose On Her Bed

A Rose On Her Bed

3 mins

"How is she? " He asked her father with a lowered gaze.

They were standing in the lobby area near the operation theater.

" You are the one who dashed my daughter down with your luxurious car? Isn't it ?" Her father frowned at him.

" Yes." He said with a cracking voice.

"Get out of here. " Her fiancé said baring his teeth.

"She just came all of sudden in front of my car and before I could apply brakes ..." He tried to explain.

"See young man, we don't hold any grudge against you. Neither are we going to lodge any police complaint against you? So please go and let us handle the situation peacefully." Her father replied with a trembling chin.

"I know 'Sorry ' is a very small word for the damage I have done. Please allow me to help you Uncle. I want salvation. I can't handle this guilt." He said to her father joining his hands and pleading for forgiveness.

The doctor came out of the operation theater. He informed that she had slipped into a coma. The situation was hopeless.

"In such trauma cases, it's really difficult to say when the patient can come out of the coma. We will try our level best and you hope for the best. " Doctor said to her father.

Her father collapsed on the bench nearby and closed his eyes in disbelief.

"Don't worry Papa. I will be there for her. Let's be practical and plan that one person will come to visit her every day." Her fiancé said to her father

" Allow me to come every day. " He said swallowing hard.

"Do whatever you want to do. It doesn't concern us whether you come or not. " Her fiancé replied firmly.

He came to meet her every evening with a red rose which he kept on her hospital bed. He used to just look at her beautiful face in awe. Sometimes he talked with her knowing that he was a complete stranger to her. He sang for her, danced for her and he enjoyed her company intensely. A red rose on her bed became his daily ritual. After months her family members stopped coming and a few months later her fiancé stopped coming. But he came every day with a red rose in his hands and lots of feelings stored in his heart. He wholeheartedly wished she would come out of the coma. His prayers were answered. She came out of a coma after one year.

Her pulse was normal. Blood pressure was normal too. All her family members gathered in her room. Her eyes were roving rapidly searching for something.

"What are you looking for? "Her doctor asked her.

"I am looking for my RED ROSE boy who came every day for me. "She said with a yearning look.

"I just want to meet him. My eyes are craving to see him. To touch him ... to feel him. I just want him." She said as she sat peacefully on her bed.

He came into her room with a red rose in his hand. She pressed her palms against her cheeks as she saw him for the first time. He was a handsome man with a golden heart.

He gave her the rose.

"Thank you very much for everything. " She said with steady eye contact as she absorbed the warmth he exuded to her.

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