Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Crime Thriller


Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Crime Thriller

After The Storm (Chapter-11)

After The Storm (Chapter-11)

8 mins

Paul picked up the phone and dialed Brad Lewis. When he heard a “Good Morning, Brad Lewis and Associates,” from the phone he held, he said, “This is Paul Daniels at Paul Daniels CPA, and I have some unfortunate news. Our computer system crashed, and the electrical surges fried our backups. I am afraid your records have been destroyed. Since the data is sensitive, I don’t want to ask for it over the phone. May I come by with my associate and get you to fill out some info sheets to reenter you in our new system?”

The answer was yes, and Paul knew it was always yes. He called all three people on his appointment list and set up a meeting to get some new info forms filled out. Paul had the forms they used for new clients and if he could get these three clients to fill out the requested information, he could replace the information that would have been stolen out of the file theft. Paul of course wanted a personal meeting to see if any of the faces looked familiar.

Paul had the info sheets ready when he went to his first appointment with Brad Lewis and Associates. He paid close attention to the people in the office and hoped no one remembered the car accident and the fact that he was supposed to be dead. Paul asked, “Would Mr. Lewis be in?” The receptionist answered, “I am sorry, Mr. Lewis is out of town at the moment, can I be of any help?” Paul used the story of them losing all of their records to tell the receptionist that he had written notes of an appointment with Mr. Lewis last week but no record of whether that appointment ever took place. The receptionist said, “You must be the one who called earlier about losing your computer data.”

The receptionist said, “I think that appointment was with Mr. Lewis himself, so I wouldn’t have any records of whether it took place or not.” Paul said, “I will call Mr. Lewis later and ask about the appointment. Thank you for your time and information.” Paul and Carissa left the building and Paul asked Carissa what she thought. She answered, “No one there seemed to be too freaked out that you showed up alive.”

Paul and Carissa went next to the office of Don Meadows at the Meadows Chemical company. The building was easy to find, with the big MCC logo on the sign that greeted everyone that came to visit. Paul introduced himself and reminded them about the appointment he had set up to get information. The secretary didn’t hesitate to fill out the information. She told them, “I have seen you meeting here with Don on several occasions.” Paul asked, “Would Don be in now?”

The receptionist said, “I will have to go check, but I don’t remember seeing him leave this morning. She came back out and said, Mr. Meadows will see you now.” Paul and Carissa went into the office of Don Meadows, his name tag introduced him, and the title let them know he was the CEO. Don stood up and shook Paul’s hand and said, “It is good to see you again. After our last meeting I saw where you had a car accident and I honestly thought they said you were dead.”

Paul replied, “It was just some erroneous reporting. There was an accident and the car burst into flames, but I managed to get out.” Don replied, “It is good to hear that you are okay. Did you get the architect drawing of the new building? I need to know what kind of help this investment will yield for me.” Paul asked, “Did you mail it?” Don replied, “I emailed it to your receptionist like you asked me to.” Paul responded, “I will check with her when I get back. I have been out of town for a while and haven’t gone over any of the work issues yet.”

When Carissa and Paul got in the car, Paul said, “I wonder why Evelyn didn’t say anything about getting plans in from Don Meadows?” Paul said, “We have been hitting this thing pretty hard so far, maybe a lunch break would help calm us back down.” Carissa asked, “What were you thinking of having?” Paul replied, “There is a diner within a block of the accounting office, and I would imagine I go there fairly often.”

Paul and Carissa saved the last appointment till after lunch. They parked around to the opposite side of the diner, away from view of the accounting office. When the hostess came to seat them, Paul asked for a table on the other side where he had clear view of the office. He wanted to watch what happens when he is gone for a while. Carissa asked, “If you are so concerned about things that may be happening, why don’t you install security cameras in the office.” Paul replied, “If I get someone to come out and install cameras, the employees will see them and change their behavior.”

Carissa explained how the new systems were easy to install, with no wiring and she said she could do it herself. Paul said, “Since we are gathering information and don’t know who we can trust, that may be a good idea.” Carissa said, “We can get the equipment we need at any electronics outlet and especially at some of the wholesale clubs.” Paul knew there was an electronic outlet at the mall that he had purchased computer equipment from. That would be a good place to start.

Paul and Carissa bought the camera equipment and the software needed to link it to his office computer. They would leave the equipment in the car until everyone left the accounting firm, headed for home and then they would bring it all in and Carissa promised she could install the equipment. They decided they would go to see Charles Nelson and get his information and then they could come back to the office and sort through the answers and information collected. The trip to Charles Nelson Construction was a short one. Paul recognized the building and told Carissa, “I have been here before.”

When Paul and Carissa walked into the front room filled with several desk, there was an elderly man, likely in his sixties, that said, “Hello Paul, I thought they said you were dead.” Paul replied, “I am pretty hard to kill. I need to talk with you.” Charles invited Paul into his office and Paul explained their loss of data. Charles said, “I will get my secretary to fill out the info sheet, if I can get her off her phone long enough.”

Paul said, “Thank you and now I need to ask a question. My memory is a little cloudy since the auto accident. Did we have a meeting about ten days ago?” Charles answered, “Yes, we had the meeting but didn’t finish. You got a phone call and said you had something you needed to take care of, and we would have to reschedule.” Paul asked, “Did I rush off after that?” Charles replied, “Yes, the matter seemed very important, so I didn’t push it.”

Charles took the info form to his secretary and came back to finish his appointment with Paul and Carissa. Charles said, “My secretary will get that filled out and you can take it when you leave. I have to be on a job site in forty minutes, so I apologize for having to abandon you.” Paul replied reaching out to shake Charles hand, “It seems I abandoned you not long ago, so I understand how it happens.” Paul let Charles take care of his job-site and they went out to wait for the secretary.

Charles’ secretary wasted no time filling out the info sheet and had it ready when Paul and Carissa passed by her desk. She handed it to Paul and said, “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call.” Paul and Carissa took the info sheet and got back into her SUV. Paul said, “I can’t remember anything about the accident or what may have happened afterward. I don’t know if there was any insurance settlement or if there were any citations made because of it. Everything about that time is completely blank.” Carissa said, “It looks to me, from what I have seen, that you are a victim and plans were in place to get rid of you. I think the accident was no accident and when it failed, they came after you more direct and left you on the highway.”

Carissa smiled and said, “Would you like to go security camera shopping?” Paul replied, “I think that might be advisable. If nothing else, I can see when a stranger comes into the front office.” Carissa replied, “You have lost your memory, everybody is a stranger.” Carissa and Paul made a joyful journey to electronics store a few blocks from his office building. They walked together up and down the aisles looking at the displays of cameras and receivers.

A salesclerk came over to ask if they needed any assistance and Carissa took the lead and asked, “Do you have cameras that attach to a computer system you already have?” Carissa knew the employees would recognize a new computer, but if they used the one in Paul’s office and hide the cameras well, he could clink on an icon to view the camera scenes and then close it if someone came into the office. The video could be stored in the cloud service they already used, and Paul could access the video from home. The clerk said, “I have a basic set with four wireless cameras and a program to install on any computers.” Carissa looked at Paul and said, “I think we found your system.”

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