2 mins

There was a tourist who lived in New York. He liked to go to tours in other countries like South Korea, Japan, Iran, Nepal etc. One day he thought to attack the British army. He was half tourist and half solider of the United States army. He traveled to London dressed like a British soldier, so no one would recognize him. At night he woke up to attack the Elizabeth tower to show the British that USA is much stronger than them. At dawn queen Elizabeth saw that half of the army was dead and only 20 soldiers were alive. She also saw a message which said, “Your end is in the sea.”

She traveled to the sea with the whole army and when she saw in the sea, the national drink of Great Britain was thrown in the sea wrapped in the flag of England. When she saw this, she could not control her temper. At the moment, the tourist shot the whole army and also queen Elizabeth. After some days, he got to know that there was a new queen of England, and her name was Queen Elizabeth 2. She was having an army of more than 100 soldiers.

The Americans fought with a lot of bravery. Most of the soldiers died but then also America won and from that day the statue of liberty was built to save freedom and happiness. That day was known as the day of liberty, and from that day no British ever tried to attack the United States of America.

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