

2 mins

This story may sound like a fairy-tale but this is a true story.

There was a girl named Anna whose mother passed away when she was just 3 years old and misfortune hit her when she was left with her father who was paralysed after her mother's death.

She had become so mature at the age of 3 that she used to take care of her paralysed father and herself. She learnt cooking too.

Then came an unfortunate day when her father remarried and his second wife had a son from her first husband. After marriage with the step mother, her father passed away. The Step mother started torturing her day and night. She never used to give her food, hit her and treated her badly. Anna wanted to study law but wasn't allowed.She wanted to continue her studies but she wasn't allowed. Her step brother who was elder to her had some soft corner for his sister, he went ahead and filled her form. The step mother was angry with him, but didn't say anything as he was her own son. The step mother didn't give her money to buy books. When her step Mom used to send her to the market to buy vegetables, she used to go to library and study. By grace of god she was able to clear her exams and the day came when she became graduate.

Anna got a good proposal for marriage because of her sweet nature but her step mom denied, ultimately she was forced by her son to get Anna married. With a unhappy heart she got Anna married.She ill treated Anna's in laws which made her face loads of ill treatment from her in laws. A day came when Anna's step Mom was ill and was bedridden, her own son and daughter law left her. Anna whom she had tortured so much got the news and she came running to see her ailing Mom. She took care of her in spite of hearing her bad words.

Day came when she was about to die and only Anna was by her side, she had no words, she just said you are an Angel on this earth whom I tortured so much but came to help me and then she died.

There are very few who be on your side after so much of Humiliation.

Please care for the people who are there around you,don't ill treat anyone, you never know who can become an Angel for you.

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