Drashti Badheka



Drashti Badheka


Bright Light

Bright Light

3 mins

The coloured houses stay dead in the street of the busiest city. The yellow lights are blooming during the odd hour of night. I am lost at the thought of losing my most favourite person. These days have been disgusting from the thoughts of hospitalizing my mom due to her health issues to handling my 3 brothers and 1 sister, all younger than me. 

But that had been my life all through these 18 years, I was handling it without any complications but today, I am devastated. 

I loved a person, Krishmay. He has been with me all through my tough times, solving my every problem without being noticed. He became my backbone over this period of time. I was addicted to him, …...those pleasant memories of his run inside my mind.

I clearly remember, once I was upset because my brother had lied to me for the first time. All these years, I raised my brothers and sister, I never taught them to lie. I got hurt. Krishmay took me to my favourite place, the snow world. I always like those icy things melting in my arms, he knew this. He played with me like a child. The happiness and love made me overwhelmed, he was the person on whose shoulder I always wanted to cry on. Though I was younger for my age, I always had to be mature for my cousins because I had to follow my responsibilities, I don't want my cousins to suffer like me and leave their childhood. But, being with Krishmay, I relived my life.

Tears running down out of my eyes as if they needed him, my hands shake at the thought of his disappearance. He blocked me, went away from me where I couldn't find him, he's hurt. His existence gave me life, after he went away I knew his importance, he always tried to seek things for me and also cared for my cousins from guiding them to protecting, he stood still…..as my eyes search for him, a bright light tried to restrict me of thoughts. Something flashed hard with me, I couldn't stay on my knees and felt hard on the ground. There was a beautiful voice I wanted to hear for so long. The door of the car bang and that person came near me, took me into his arms, "plzz stay awake…...plz don't go…..stay awake….hospital…..just few minutes I will take you to hospital…..I m sorry plz stay awake, I don't want to lose you, I shouldn't have left you...plz", fear in his voice reflected excessively but all I thought was my life is back. 

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