Bharath Kumar

Drama Others


Bharath Kumar

Drama Others

Creative Night

Creative Night

4 mins

I walk by the side of the road amidst the torrential downpour. I am neither interested in gaining ground to reach home nor taking shelter to save myself from the rain lash. What appal me is the condition of the pathetic roads. With rain God refusing to take the break, the roads are inundated and it would at least take a week before the water recedes. The slabs covering the drains are left open. The amalgamation of the filthy waste and the rain results in impure toxic water which emanates stench everywhere. The toxic insects throng to such impure places to breed. I know it is perilous to stay in such places because the possibility of catching different sorts of ailments will be pretty high. Despite the chaos all over, what enchants me is the blissful state of the sky. Yes, it is encroached by the clouds to spread darkness but once the clouds disperse, it is indeed blissful to behold the enriching sight of the sky. My mind forgets and forgoes all thoughts which kept me awake throughout the day. I am in the middle of a solitary playground. It doesn't leave me disappointed or disillusioned, rather surges my creative juices so that it keeps flowing until I evaporate into my home. My mood is a reflection of my thought. Right now, I am submerged in a pool of positive thoughts which encourages me to paint a poetry picture to disseminate positive vibes around. Yes, the poet lurking inside me takes a peek outside to swallow the beauty of nature necessary to churn out creative food. I stand at the bus stand but the thatched roof like structure above has a plethora of holes to let the rain enter. With raindrops trickling over my cheeks I feel like someone is tickling me. The place behind me is a complete mess but my mind has no time to roll its attention toward it. The place looks deserted courtesy rain but my mind is not deserted. It is at the outset of germinating poems to satisfy my creative cravings. With no one around, my mind is in a relaxed state. Emotions ebb when people are around getting all the permission to flow ceaselessly now. My mind which lacks creativity when people are around is overflowing with creative juice now. The solitude my heart craves has gorgeously presented itself now. My mind is tricked to believe that God has materialized himself to accord me a boon. An occasional vehicle movement has no impact on my relentless mind which is hell-bent on painting a poem. Pothole ridden roads are always perilous for commuters and pedestrians. The slushy roads can render you unforgivable bumps. Before the situation turns bleak, I got to manifest my creative onslaught to the world. I defiantly refuse to accept the reproachful gaze of the slushy roads.

I wish I can tread the rainbow

Gobbling its colours in full flow

Myriads of dreams create a channel

To take me to the glittering tunnel

I gulp up the elixir of creative thoughts

Which elevates my mood to go nuts

Berserk clouds settle down

And the sunshine raises again at dawn

Nights always have a way for mornings

We always find a way to beseech God's blessings

These raindrops cling coolness to the body

This bewitching solitude fuels my body

Poems are like a fodder which keeps me satiated

My mind is a place where thoughts get congregated

A beaming smile radiates light around

To disseminate happiness abound

Gripped by the enchanting night

I escape from my friend's bait

Like a barrage of flowers falling down

Clouds overhung me to pour the rain down

My emotions slip and swim through the water

Are they going to find a better shelter?

I am accompanied by the evergreen nature

I bow down to its consecrated stature

I keep dancing in the eternal moonlight

My heart pounds to feel the morning sunlight

Dawn breaks down to commemorate the beginning of a new day. The bustling crowd materialize to awaken me. Have I become sober enough to accept the closure of the previous day and move on with the constant change?

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