anuradha nazeer

Drama Others


anuradha nazeer

Drama Others

Customer Cell Care

Customer Cell Care

2 mins

One male person rang up to Customer Care Number.

 One of the customer cell care person on duty lady, who was free enough lifted the phone from there ..replies


"Hello .. !! Hello !! Tell me what do you want sir.? I will make arrangements.if you want any scheme details

I will explain this to you very clearly. Please, don't hesitate to ask me, sir. Sir ... May I Help You!

 male person –--"Thanks..! Have You got married .. ? on duty lady ---- "What ..? I don't need to tell all the details to you that!" it's my personal. What is the phone call ? ? or talk only the relevant matter ask any doubts if you have..!

male person –-- "Don't be angry Madam ...! Have You got married? " on duty lady ---- "No no ..don't ask such silly questions to me ?!! What's that for now?" .male person –-- "No .. !! Can I marry you? ..". ". Sorry ..! I have no choice ..! .. "I'll give you an offer. Love Me ...Then for the Honeymoon, we will go to Switzerland. Or if you want only arranged marriage means we will go to Paris for Honeymoon!!

On duty lady ---- "Sir .. !! I just told you I didn't like it at all .. !! Why bother? male person –-- Do you understand now? This is what you people are doing on duty from customer cell care. Even if we say we don't need anything, at present.if we want we will call later. But you people won't leave us, you will explain all the schemes available with you. we will give you this offer, we will give that offer, pick up anyone like that you people used to force us. Please understand the customer situation. Even if I do not like it, also you won't leave us, everyone on duty used to call us. This golden opportunity, don't miss it!! So this is how you people are torturing us.. !!! Now I hope you understand our problems.

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