Children Stories Inspirational



Children Stories Inspirational

Dating with you Mom

Dating with you Mom

2 mins

I want to go Dating with you. You are my first and last love, you rise me, you are always with me as a partner. You are my soulmate. We are always together, you walk with me, Every foot step of mine is in your heart. Mom is the darling of life. Date means moment which is very special. No one love us as much as mom does. Love is pure feeling and I don't think so someone love us more than our mom's. I go peaceful place with my mom, I dance with her, we enjoy together, we play together,we eat together.

Dating doesn't require hangout. We can enjoy at home also. Mother support is very much important in our life. I don't think I find anyone as a my soulmate. I don't think our parents place anyone can take. No-one love more. In every situation only your parents are with you they don't leave you. I date with her make my date special. I give her a surprise gift. Many things which she deserves.Mom take everyone's place in our life but no-one can take mom's place. Her sacrifice, what I say, till now and forever she sacrifice for us. When we are little we don't know but when we grow up we understand each and everything.sometimes my mom says when you become mom then you understand. Yes it is true but, I always feel I am till now a little baby for her.

When I dress-up again she is watching, give me ideas, she told me to hold your attires properly. She makes my favourite food dishes. Life is a very long journey one date can't give as a lesson as whole life do. Always do or always make your life as a Date (Memories).

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