Nidhi Khemka



Nidhi Khemka


Days Of Our Life

Days Of Our Life

2 mins

In life, nothing is for free...

In order to spend, one has to earn...

In order to gain, you also have to suffer the pain...

Opting to take risks is playing wild, but not taking a risk may be the biggest risk you take...Just because you can doesn't mean you should, It doesn't matter what you want, what matters is what you need!

We only react when the volcano erupts, we don't see what lead it to the eruption; We hear words spoken in anger but forget it was lead by us to reach there. Our instinct is to change rather than to adapt, to revolt rather than evolve. Never see abstinence for its inability; because its the preceding calm that's more dangerous than the storm. Before you are selfish, remember what goes around comes back.

All may be may be right but that doesn't all can never be wrong, just because it's unusual doesn't mean its impossible. Fears are hurdles, you don't stop walking for the fear of falling, then why stop trying for the fear of failing. It is the acceptance of the fear that is the beginning to overcome it. Patience and faith can make you do wonders but the lack of it will only result in blunders. It is better to have less options as it reduces the chance of messing a lot of things. 

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