Drama Inspirational Children



Drama Inspirational Children

Diwali-the festival of lights

Diwali-the festival of lights

2 mins

Ashish was searching for rented accommodation in Pune, where he joined an IT company. For the time being, he settled in Mr. Pankaj's house, who rented him a room in his spacious bungalow, but for five months.

His children lived abroad, and were going to visit him and his wife after five months; hence Ashish was given a room in Mr. Pankaj's six-room bungalow for five months.

Mr. Pankaj and his wife Sangeeta were decent people and were very mixing and caring. Within one week Ashish got along with them and began calling them uncle and aunty.

Diwali was arriving next week and Ashish realized that the old couple was missing their children and grandchildren very much.

He obtained the numbers of the couple's son and daughter who were living in U. S. and Australia respectively with their spouses and children.

Ashish talked in length with both of them and made them realize that how important it is to give time and visit one's parents who are staying miles apart!

Ashish celebrated Dipawali with the couple and decorated the entire house with lights and rangoli.

After two days he went to greet Mr. Pankaj and his wife Sangeeta in the morning with his baggage ready. Mr. Pankaj asked what the matter was as Ashish had agreed to stay for five months initially.

Ashish said that due to some circumstances beyond his control he was leaving that day, but would visit them often.

Ashish bid the couple goodbye and went away!

Just as the couple was talking about how nice and homely Ashish was, the doorbell rang!

Mr. Pankaj opened the door and to his surprise his entire family, including his daughter and her husband and two kids; and his son and daughter-in-law and his two daughters were all standing outside!

Rupa, the couple's daughter apologized that they could not arrive on time to celebrate Diwali with them!

Mr. Pankaj smiled and picked up his youngest grandchild and hugging him to his bosom said, 'Diwali is celebrated to welcome the homecoming of the children of raja Dasaratha. His Diwali is on that day when his children return home!!'

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