Kamesh Mahendrawada

Drama Inspirational Others


Kamesh Mahendrawada

Drama Inspirational Others

Everything For Him - Part 6

Everything For Him - Part 6

7 mins

It is another challenging day for me to sail through. Today, I have to submit my ad campaign idea to my delivery lead Rahul. I worked hard for one month to perfect the designs and the time frames.

The clock struck eleven and Sandhya hadn't checked in so far. I was just sitting at my desk confused and lost like a tractless mariner struggling to pull his ship out of the storm. Sometimes I feel like I am just wasting my life, watching and counting the years go by. I am going through at a very fast pace missing out many amazing things. 

'Ananya,' a feminine voice interrupted me. It was my colleague Nandita.

'Hi Nandita. Good morning!' I greeted her.

She dragged the chair beside my cubicle and said, 'So, how was your date yesterday?' 

'Which date?' I felt a pang in my heart. 

'I mean, yesterday you went for a date right?'

'How did you get to know about it? Who told you?' 

'Everyone in the office knew about it.'

'Who told you?' I asked her in a stern tone. 

'I… I…' she stammered. 'I just listened to someone talking about it in the pantry.'

I remained silent in shock. For a moment I just didn't understand what to say. The news of my meeting with Dilip has spread like a wild fire.

'I think it didn't go well,' she said commiseratingly, 'the woebegone expression on your face clearly conveys how bummed out you are. I am sorry for disturbing you,' saying that she went back to her place. 

I wonder how all my colleagues got to know about my date with Dileep. Sandhya will never reveal it, then the only possibility is someone might have eavesdropped our conversation while we were discussing yesterday. But who can it be? 

While I was contemplating for the answer Sandhya came and sat beside me. 'Ananya, how did everyone come to know about your date? Did you disclose it to anyone apart from me?' She asked, raising her brows. 'I was coming from pantry and everyone are discussing about your date?'

'No! Why would I tell that? Even I am perturbed with it.'

'Then who might have leaked it? A gossip simply doesn't get created in the air. Where there is a gossip, there will be a gossiper. We need to find out who he or she is?'

'I think it's she... Sheela...'

'Yes! Yes! The possibility cannot be ruled out. No one here creates gossip apart from her. Wait! Wait! Now I am remembering,' Sandhya's eyes widened. 'Do you remember? Yesterday while we were taking a stroll in the park after lunch, she passed exactly beside, rubbing my shoulder. At that moment we were discussing about the evening program only. I think she might have heard it at that time from behind secretly.'

'No doubt it is she only. I will give a tight slap on her face. Where is she?' I rose up and glanced around with my blazing eyes. I couldn't find her anywhere.

'What are you doing?'

'Today I am not going to leave her. Let her come, today she is definitely going to cry.'

'Wait! Relax!' holding my shoulders she made me sit on my chair. 'Don't get furious. If you mess with her, your job will be at risk.'

'Why will my job be at risk because of her?'

'A week before, I saw her kissing with our delivery lead Rahul,' Sandhya said, with a bit of embarrassment. 'Finally, she lured Rahul also.'

'Yeww… But, why will she do that? She already has a boyfriend.' 

'You very well know, how frequently she changes her boyfriends. Sheela is a gold digger and she only engages in a relationship for the sake of money rather than love. At present she is aiming for the position of creative director post which has been vacant for two months and our CEO has informed us that he will select someone among us for that post, based upon our performance. And you are aware of how much our CEO trusts Rahul. If Rahul asks him to make Sheela as creative director then without any second thought he will appoint her.'

'That is impossible! What she has done for the company? I worked hard day and night. I have given the best campaigning ideas and how can she be given that promotion?'

'Ananya, do what's best in our hands. Let's hope that things will get good sooner,' she then glanced the time on her wrist watch. 'Hey, it's 11:25. I think at 11:30 you have a presentation to give?'

'Oops! I almost forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. Please wish me good luck!'

Ten members were seated around with Rahul sitting in the front row. The presentation lasted for fifteen minutes, ending with a big round of applause. I walked back to my cubicle and opened my laptop.

'How did the presentation go?'

'It was copacetic. Let's see what is going to happen. I am eagerly waiting for my promotion Sandhya.'

'I don't think you will be receiving that, just see there,' she pointed towards the door of the CEO's cabin.

I could see Rahul and Sheela walking into the CEO's cabin. 

'What's going on? Why are they going inside?' I asked Sandhya. Something isn't going good and I could feel those vibes.

'If my guess is good. Sheela is going to be our next creative head. Our boss will come out and announce her name.'

'I wish your guess goes wrong.' 

'I don't think so. Circumstances have already transpired against us! Let's see what the outcome is going to be? I can't believe how Sheela succeeded in hitting off with Rahul. He doesn't know that she will dump him one day.'

'Sandhya, I have been working here for almost more than nine years. Don't you think I deserve the promotion?'

'The mistake is on your side. One should not stay in one company for a long time. You should constantly keep your eyes open to the opportunities and grab them when they knock. Start searching at least from now.'

'If I don't get promoted to the creative head, I will definitely resign.'

'Then start updating your resume right now from this moment. Anyhow you are not going to get it.'

'Stop it Sandhya!'

'Attention everyone!' The CEO of our company Muralidhar alerted everyone. Behind him standing were Rahul and Sheela.

'As everyone of you are aware that since the resignation of Suresh the creative head position has been pending. Even though we wanted to hire an experienced person Rahul suggested to me that instead of hiring someone from the outside, why don't we promote someone from within our talent pool. I was apprehensive about it as everyone of you might be aware, how crucial a creative director is in an advertising agency like ours.'

Why don't you tell who is the next creative head? I couldn't control my anxiety.

'Without delaying further,' he continued, 'the next creative head of our company is none other than…' he paused again and asked Sheela to come forward, 'Sheela!'

This is ridiculous! She has never been a part of our creative meetings and how did he select her for the role. 

An overwhelming grief started churning my stomach. That was a plot twist I didn't expect. Pins and needles ran up the back of my neck and a lump in my throat threatened to choke me. 

I worked hard day and night to come up with the best ideas and still I don't get any recognition. When all my hardwork gets recognized. It makes me work even harder. With Sheela being the creative head, my talents remain shrouded forever.

'Ananya, don't feel bad,' Sandhya placed her arm on my shoulder. 'Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's ability to see your worth.'

'Sandhya, if you were to take two people and give one of them a ten thousand bucks of bonus for their hard work and another a five-minute talk on how much you appreciate their hard work and what they mean to the company, which individual do you think would walk away feeling more motivated to succeed?'

'In almost every case, the person who is verbally told that they're appreciated is going to be more motivated.'

'That's what I was expecting. A small promotion for my hard work. I am the senior most employee over here. Sheela has been here only for three years.'

'Of course you get hurt when you're not recognized for your efforts. Shall we go out for a coffee?'

'Please Sandhya! I am not interested in anything for now. Just leave me alone.' 

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to discuss about it anymore.

'Don't blame yourself for this. Things will get better soon,' she said in an attempt to rekindle my hopes.

'But when?' I snapped my fist on my desk in exasperation. 'And for how long?'

'See Ananya! When God is making you wait, he is planning to give more than what you have asked for. Just be prepared to receive more than what you have asked for.'

'Oh is it! Then I want the position of creative head. Will I get it?'

'You will get it at the right time and at the right moment. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.'

'Stop this nonsense about your merciless God! Today I have decided. I will start searching for other opportunities. I want to quit this job.'

'Better late than never. You have made the right decision. I am sure you will get into the best one. Anyways, I will see you again, I have other works to look after. I will meet you at lunch. Bye!'


Things were getting worse. Sometimes I can't find the words that fill my messy head. When my thoughts are heavy, my feelings become numb, my heart becomes unsteady, and then tears start to come.

I failed in my personal life. I dreamed of succeeding at least on the professional front. The world in which I live, feels like, I don't fit and don't belong. I am completely disturbed with the day, because I never expected it to end this way.

Every decision that we take leads us down a different road. Every decision has some significant impact on our life. I don't have any choice, except to play the victim role.

To be continued...

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