palak Inde



palak Inde


First Night

First Night

5 mins

Soumya was determined that she won't live with Ruhaan. Everyone was trying to change her mind. No one, not even her own parents supported it. 

She was shocked at everyone. No one was supporting her, except her younger sister, who was 17 years old. No one wants her to speak in a matter of 'adults'. 

Her mother pleaded to her, but she didn't agree.

 "If you can't support me, at least don't go against me".

"But, we can't support you in the wrong thing."

"Really. You are my parents or his. Fine, if you don't wanna support me, leave it. I will manage on my own. Just like last time I did."

"Did you fight with us, for this day?"

"Na. Because I didn't know this would happen to me."

"But, we are supporting you now."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your support now."

"Are you insane or what? Have you decided, to spoil your life?"

Her father interrupted her and her mother's conversation.

"Yes. I m ready to spoil my life, but not with this guy."

She packed her bags. Her younger sister came along with her.

Soumya got tears in her eyes.

"Di, I don't want the same for me."

She hugged her little sister tightly and both went.

"What ...What did just happen?? Is she really gone...She cheated me...How can she? She didn't think of our married life..."

Ruhaan presents his side.

"I am sorry. I am shameful on her behalf."

Soumya's father pleaded.

"Now I won't accept her, not at any cost. She might be impure, that's why she left. And I don't even know, where is she going, with whom and what would she have done."

"Please...Please don't say like this...I am sorry."

"She is at fault. Not you, I am sorry."

Soumya went to a nearby city. She opted for a flat at rent. She got a job, as she had very good communication skills, besides her qualification. And, she got her sister's admission to one of the school. She didn't want her life should affect her sister's. 

Soumya broke all ties with her family. She didn't want to live with any of them, anymore.

Sometimes, her sister wonder is this the real Soumya. She didn't know her from so many years.

Soumya was very well aware that she must need a counselling to recover from that trauma. She even visited a psychiatrist for the same.

When the psychiatrist insisted her, to tell the truth. She became numb. After, achieving some courage, she told,

"I and Ruhaan were classmates. We both fell in love. I was so deeply fallen in love with him, I was ready to go to any extent for him. My family was against this relationship. But, I didn't leave him. And my parents approved, for my wish and happiness.

We got married, exactly a month ago. It was a dream come true for me. The thing that was left was our first night ( which was supposed to be ours). I was excited about this. But, I was badly tired because of the wedding rituals and all. 

He came closer to me..."

She started crying. The doctor helped her and consoled her.

"He came closer to me. But I denied as I was tired. He insisted for a physical relationship. I tried but I agreed, thinking about his love for me. I thought he is damn excited, that's why he was insisting me so much. I agreed ( but I didn't want to ). 

When we were intimate, he was checking the bedsheets again and again. I asked him what happened? He tried to change the topic. 

But, he was distracted. I felt he was no more interested in me. I asked him again. This time, his answer split me."


"He was trying to get red spots of blood. So-called proof of my virginity.

His eyes were judging me. The love he used to have, was lost. He was asking me about my purity. He knew I loved him, still, he questioned my love for me. He was doubting me. He asked me, where is the blood? I said what did he mean? He asked whether I had sex with anyone else. I was shattered. 

How could he..... I loved the wrong guy. He asked me to go to the doctor. The doctor will confirm my purity. Only then, I am eligible to live with him. I mean, he has so cheap mentality. I had no idea. He was treating me as a simple flesh, his prey. Nothing much. A simple piece of a red spot would decide my future. When I opposed it, he didn't listen to me. His family was gathered and everyone taunted me for it. I couldn't take it anymore. I waited for the morning, I called my parents. I told my decision of leaving Ruhaan. Everyone was stunned. I can't spend my whole with a guy who doesn't trust me. A single night was a part of my married life. And I am here. I just wanted to get rid of this trauma. This thing still disturbs me. I don't want the same to happen with my Lil sister. "

"What's the plan ahead."

 "I m doing a part-time job. I will go ahead with my studies. I want to delete his chapter from my life, forever."

"I am glad, you came to me. Otherwise, ladies do not talk about this. They just think and sit back at home. I m happy, you took a step for yourself and others. You are an inspiration. 

See you in the next session."

"Sure, doctor."

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