Drama Inspirational Children



Drama Inspirational Children



1 min

Friends are our backbone. They provide us with the most needed vibe to take on the world's challenges. Without them, life is boring and loses its appeal.

This story is about two friends who are in their teens and are bosom friends.

Raghav and Ryan study at St. Anthony's School in the city. Both are neighbors as well. They are good athletes and compete with each other in studies as well.

Once it so happened that Ryan's father lost his job due to some reason. The family suddenly began experiencing a money crunch.

There was a school picnic the coming week for which each student had to submit two thousand rupees each.

Ryan told his teacher about his money troubles. Raghav heard about this. After the school hours were over, Raghav quietly went to their teacher and said that he would pay for Ryan's picnic. However, he requested not to tell Ryan about this and to give any other reason for allowing Ryan too to come along!

The next day Ryan was overjoyed to hear that he too would be allowed for the picnic on a complimentary basis as a gesture for his good performance in studies and extracurricular activities.

In this way, Raghav helped his friend Ryan in a small way but it spoke volumes about his friendship and concern for his friend!

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