Ronnie Gill

Romance Inspirational Others


Ronnie Gill

Romance Inspirational Others

Gail & Sally

Gail & Sally

3 mins

It was a very cold, windy, and snowy day on Christmas day 1899 instar, Ville Ohio when there was a baby girl born to parents, Zelda and bob singer the baby girl named Gail was 8 pounds and 6 oz, and her parents knew that there was something special about there baby girl the minute that she was born. Gail was born into wealth-power and born into greatest. When Gail was growing up she knew that she was different. About her, she knew that she was very different from other girls but also something very special, as she went through school and high school she had a secret girlfriend named Bonnie as They grew closer together they knew that they were more than best friends that they were lovers so they stated sneaking off with each other off to make love with each other, they also knew they knew that they had to break off the relationship because if they got caught they knew that they got caught in a lesbian relationship that they would go to jail or even worse. When Gail graduated high school she went off to college where she was rolled into debate classes, she knew that it was a male debate class with no other women when she was allowed to enrol. she knew they chose her on looks and not debate style. She was in the class she impressed all of her teachers, the teachers or the students that women of her age could beat out all men, she whipped all. Of the men in all of the debates, she knew more about debating the issues than any guy that went to any college. When other colleges picked up her debate, they started inviting her to another college and paying herba hefty paycheck to just show up. After a while, all other male students refused to debate her in fear of getting beat in a debate. But the collages paid her any.

When Gail decided to graduate college she decided to run for congress of the united states, ran for congress, she knew she was up for some tough debates amongst other men. People loved her everywhere she went she was beating all other men and men were getting worried they were saying to themselves selfs how can a woman be so high in the polls she beat us. Election day rolls around in the final vote Gail won and beat her rival. Gail was on her way to Washington dc, as the youngest and only the second woman to win a seat in congress. On the first day in congress Gail got elected as speaker of the house, she was now the most powerful woman in d. C

Only the first two weeks in congress she runs into Sally and it was love at first sight. Gail fell in love with Sally but she knew if she got caught with sally both her and sally could be thrown out of congress and locked so Gail knew that she had to be very careful, to not get caught. Gail went to Sally's office she knocked on her door Sally tells Gail to come on in. Sally, you don't know me but I am failing the speaker of the house. I know who you are, Gail, but I am glad that you came into my office because I have something to tell you since I first sense you up there in the speaker chair I fell in love with you I mean a love that only to lesbians can have for each other. (Gail)/have though the same way about you since the first time when I saw you oh wow really, I thought that when I told you this that you were going to throw me out of your office. No Sally is glad that you told me that loved me like this.

Part 2 coming soon

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