Goddess Of Beauty

Goddess Of Beauty

1 min

A man with golden locks stood outside the castle. The lustrous hair flew down to his shoulder length. Bright red coat with faded yellow badges decorated his clothing. The black pants marred with a bit of sand highlighted him..Any man within the horizon could look at the angelic white castle and see the soldier standing outside lost in thought.

Naslea, the goddess of beauty, sat in her tower waiting for fir the man to enter and ask his wish yet he never did. There was a mystical globe in the table in front of her which showed the soldier waiting outside the palace walls. Men were already eager to enter the castle ask for their wish.

Some would walk around merrily though admired the beauty of the god's palace. Yet this man neither admired the palace or walked into the palace for his boon. He stood outside and admired the world. The palace as it is stood topmost part of the world. The peak point ad one would call it and he just looked at it uninhibitedly. That look reminded Naslea of the look she saw in the mirror this morning. She looked out of her tower to see the sea of the universe.

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