Hitansh Savani

Drama Fantasy


Hitansh Savani

Drama Fantasy

Grandpa's Missing Eyeglasses

Grandpa's Missing Eyeglasses

1 min

One swelteringly hot afternoon, my grandpa parked for reading. He reached out his hand on the table for his eyeglasses but unfortunately, the glasses were not there. My grandpa informed me about this incident. I signaled the servant to aid but I forgot that he was on a holiday. We examined all rooms, cupboards and even the terrace but the glasses were not there. Abruptly, the doorbell clangored and I spurted to it. It was our servant. He rebounded the glasses of grandpa which by snafu he had exchanged for his glasses. I gave the glasses to grandpa and he was contented. He read all afternoon and I slumbered all afternoon. Well, at least this was not as boring as last time when my grandpa was home alone and was finding his eyeglasses when they were on his bald head the whole time.

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