Kanaka Ghosalkar

Drama Inspirational Others


Kanaka Ghosalkar

Drama Inspirational Others

Home Quarantine

Home Quarantine

3 mins

"I have a friend".... How often can you say that about people... In this world full of class-conscious people who are with you when you have something up your sleeve and are happy to leave when you don't, I think I am fortunate to say this... " Yes...I have a friend."

I hardly believed she was my friend all these years. As in not that she was my enemy or something... but to the kind of depth I attribute to the concept of friendships and my relationships, I had not thought she would be so close... or would turn out to be close after all these years... That's the fun I think... Of long-lasting relationships... They change... Sometimes for the better... sometimes for the worse... but they teach you a lot about life as a whole.

So... I was talking about this friend of mine... She has a very timid demeanor... an almost cruel sense of humor and a sharp witty ability to converse with the other person in the most pressing times. I feel not many people would appreciate this combination, but to me, she is rare and special. Because I know where she is coming from... I have seen her journey... her patience and her courage. She is one person who makes me feel that even the common man is worthy of an award, an accolade... because our struggles are so different, and yet, we all emerge smiling on the other side! When I think about it, I think it's brave, very brave! I think she is one of the many people my age who helps me stay grounded... Really...

There are times I feel I wish I could have more conversations with her... about the world, about politics, about the current covid vaccine rollout and so many other things... I think if she'd have the time to read up on these issues she'd have some stunning opinions! Maybe she does already, but we hardly get time to speak... Most of my friends are married, have children and it's a technical barrier which I have accepted...I have no regrets about being single or no hurry of finding someone... But there are instances when I think..." What would she have said.. or How would he have reacted?..." It's as if I carry my friends along... memories of them... some happy, some bitter... but mostly... all valuable! Sometimes I feel them and their memories slipping into the deeper parts of my subconscious in an almost failing effort to make newer memories! Yeah...I hold on a lot... To people... to situations ... to their crankiness... to the tiny bits of beauty in their soul... That's what makes me who I am...

I feel people are such a powerful resource of life... Nothing can ever beat the kind of wisdom one can get by interacting with people no matter how much education you have or you don't...Education can at the most polish you and your attributes...but it's the real world that teaches you a great deal about life.

These days I feel deprived of this very important form of education... 

I really hope that these days in home quarantine end sooner for me ... 

I really do!

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