Inspirational Others



Inspirational Others

Is Unemployment The Biggest Casualty Of The Pandemic?

Is Unemployment The Biggest Casualty Of The Pandemic?

4 mins

Having been in lockdown for several months now, it’s not surprising that many of us have explored the untouched side of ourselves. This period has come up with a 360-degree turn in our lives. It has taught us to enjoy the present, rediscover passions, connect with nature, and value coexistence. I'm not the same person now than the one I was at the beginning of all this. 

Yes, unemployment has been a major concern in this pandemic because what can I say about others when my friend lost her job during lockdown so yes this pandemic snatch more than 50% jobs and ultimately cause mental stress and family issues. Well, as the scenario is getting worse day by day. But still, there is a hope that one day everything would be good like earlier. COVID-19 has affected various segments of society. Pandemic has rendered millions of people jobless. It indeed is a big casualty but we must stay positive and focus on maintaining our health. The situation is going to improve with time and as the economy starts to pick up, people are going to have their jobs back. Unemployment was the casualty even before the pandemic. But during it became worse because many people got unemployed because of the economic issues in the companies. Those people who used to live on daily wages lost their source of income and in the wake of all this, some people lost their lives because they couldn't make through this hard time. Coronavirus has affected various segments of the society but according to me the upper and middle class will still find ways to cope up but the lower class will be the most affected and not to forget the majority consists of them. Finding work is getting difficult and so is maintaining a sustainable standard of lifestyle. We all are here surviving through our jobs. Some people have dreams in their respective workplace to make a mark. This pandemic has smashed their dreams and a lot of people are losing their jobs. Unemployment/layoffs at the beginning of the career or maybe sometime in between is leading to a battle between financial insecurity and the fear of going out to search for a new job. This has, in turn, affected their mental health and due to this, they are subjected to go under depression. Job is not just for the purpose of money but also it keeps you busy which in turn in a certain way gives you happiness. 

I think poor people are facing the worst time in their lifetime. Nothing is more heart aching than to see people dying of hunger and in search of basic resources. While the privileged ones are cherishing every moment with their families, chasing their hobbies and on the other side there are poor people who are facing the battle of life and all because of unemployment. Some steps should be taken by the government to ensure that money is sent not only to lower class people but also to middle-class people because they are also suffering. The pandemic has effected people's career in a very unfortunate way making many people jobless and some even homeless also as they are not getting their daily wages because certain works aren't taking place and everyone is connected to other in many ways affecting the whole cycle. I think the government needs to plan more programs for unemployed workers especially during this pandemic and also for the betterment of the country's economy and development. We all should handle this situation widely and after the situation comes under control, better job opportunities should be available to people to solve this problem and the government should observe this issue carefully. Right from migrant workers to the big private companies, in some or another way many are deprived of their jobs and it has become difficult for a living. But still, I believe its all in our head.

With all our experiences if we have a powerful will within we will be able to find some reliable jobs online as social media has become a boon in this pandemic. Everything is possible if we believe in it no matter how hard the time is. In this troubled period, we have faith in ourselves and wait for the situation to get normal and we have to be patient. There is hope in everything as many people have started a small business of making papads and other foodstuff and is supplying it from her home. So I think we should encourage local businesses and uplift the homegrown brands. Unemployment motivates people to do the wrong things for earning money. Therefore, I hope that there is no unemployment in our country. I hope they all get the courage to start up again and realise there is a long way to go to achieve their dreams at the workplace once the pandemic ends. I want to say we all should be thankful every day for what we have and most important our health is good. 

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