My Cottage

My Cottage

14 mins

The ambience of Devaki's house was a bit different this Saturday. Today the house has to be vacated in any way. The truck loaded with the new landlord's luggage was to reach Delhi from Bangalore at any time. Most of the items of the house had been sold, just a few things were left which Devaki loved most and did not want to sell them at any price. These items were to be loaded in son, Dushyant’s car which his driver was doing with great enthusiasm.

Devaki kept vigil at everything until the driver kept them in the car.Many memories were associated with those items which brought tears in Devaki's eyes

When everything went out, Devaki felt as if someone has taken away all the power from her body. To get the satisfaction of looking at the house for the last time, she wiped off her tears and walked around the house in slow steps.

How meticulously she had constructed the house by her efforts! Each brick was a witness for her devotion and hard work. She stood there supervising, whether it was winter, or summer or monsoon. She used to come much before the labourers came for work and relaxed only after they had completed the work for the day.From today the house will belong to someone else .Her bedroom, kitchen, a small room for worship and the cute balcony which were hers till yesterday may be of someone else.

What will happen to those trees and plants nurtured by her with love? Who would take care of them? All such thoughts made her emotional and cry. The house to which she was associated for thirty five years.It was not an easy task to leave a house with memories associated for thirty five years?

The new owner of the house had already come. Dushyant handed over the keys of the house to him. Devaki watched this scene helplessly. Had it not been an untimely death of her husband and had he been alive, could Dushyant have ventured to sell this house? No, never. I am left alone, so my son and daughter- in -law dominate over me.

Devaki, with her son Dushyant, daughter-in-law, Malati and grandson Pritu, sat in the car. Dushant, Malti and Devaki were sitting on the back seat of the car. The grandson, Pritu sat next to the driver. The car was moving on a black long road in Delhi.

Even with traffic on the streets of Delhi,she felt a strange silence today. Delhi was not looking strange like this to her earlier. When she came after marriage from Bijnor, in a palanquin, forty years before, it appeared as though the whole city of Delhi welcomed her with Aarathi. She had such attachment with neighbors that the thoughts of her parental house did not disturb her.

Probably by building monuments of bricks and stones, the people of the city seemed to have lost in stupor. What to say about the new generation? They are in the mad race of earning money. “Parents are like pests in the grains of crops, who squander the whole wealth staying idle in their house” may be their thinking.

Devaki was confused with the warp and weft of her thoughts when she heard the gentle voice of Pritu,” Where are we going?”Devaki replied, “Wherever the time takes.” Malati, becoming grumpy, replied,"Mummy he is still of tender age, why do you tell him like this?" Devaki, with wide opened eyes, saw Malati and said, “I have not told him to fire cannon?" Malati looked at Dushyant angrily. Dushyant was also in dismay.

The sun was setting westward. The silence dialogue of the Sun and Devaki started. He seemed to tell Devaki, "Every day has an end, Devaki! I give you darkness today, I will return tomorrow with bright morning." Devaki mumbled being disappointed, “When someone’s light of the eyes itself has been taken away how does the light or shine matter?”

Devaki was in turmoil with thoughts disturbing her ceaselessly. Meanwhile, the boundary of Delhi ended. The car was stopped at the toll gate of NCR Gurgaon. Pritu asked again, "Where we are going? No one is telling." Devaki told in a stammering voice, "What will they tell you, my dear! I'll tell you." Devaki, being overwhelmed, stopped for a while.

She said controlling herself, "Your grandmother is going to the boarding school for the old.” This answer too became a question for Pritu. He again asked innocently "Boarding school for the old?" Devaki said, "Yes son, you have heard me right, I am going to the school for the old". Malati again twisted her face and looked at Dushyant.

Till now Devaki loved her son and daughter in law very much, but today she did not care if her conduct and words had any adverse effect on “mother-in-law’s reputation". She said, "A single mother can take care of ten children, but ten children can not take care of a mother." Dushyant who was quiet till now said, "Mummy, do you remove the curiosity of Pritu, by answering his questions, or taunt us." Malti also joined her husband and said, "We have spent rupees seven lakhs exclusively for you only, mummy ji."

Devaki said, "These calculations are known only to the new generation. Neither had we learned nor we kept any account of expenditure to know how much was spent on individuals. We were probably crazy people who just flowed with emotions. We should have kept an account of the expenditure in a diary, as to how much money was spent on a particular person each day. Instead what we wrote in the diary were “Today Dushyant smiled for the first time, today he placed his first step, today he learned to call Ma. Before she could complete Dushyant looked at Devaki and told, "What was the use of getting emotional like this?”

The car came and stood before a huge building. The board displayed on the building was well illuminated with coloured bulbs. It was written in beautiful letters "Your Own Shelter” (Aapka Apna Niwas). The driver got down and opened the doors, Dushyant stretched his hands to hold Devaki. In the heart of heart Devaki thought of refusing to hold his hand and tell” “When you leave your mother helpless, why do you stretch your hand as support for a brief moment”.But she was helpless because she cannot get out of the car without any help.From the other side Malati came and held her bag. Devaki was in anguish, she told curtly,” Leave this drama Malati”

All the three enter the building. Making Pritu and Malati sit behind the receptionist, Dushyant took Devaki to the cabin. He deposited some amount through his credit card, signed a form and after all formalities entrusted Devaki to “Aapka Apna Niwas”. Devaki looked all around. Except for its name, she did not find anything in this Ashram akin to a home. A care taker, named Sukanya, came to take Devaki to her room. Now it was time for Devaki to bid farewell to her family. Malati covered her head with pallu and touched the feet of her mother in law.The son embraced his mother and told, “Please take of yourself mummy.” Devaki told "Who is here for me to give more time.” Many questions came in the mind of Pritu. Even if she liked Devaki could not have answered them. Devaki saw the family moving away from her with a fixed gaze.

From the moistened eyes of Devaki, came memories of the past surging. Sukanya took Devaki by lift to Room Number 407 at the fourth floor. Ten beds were provided in that room. Ten almirahs were also there. Around a big table ten chairs were placed. Each had the number engraved. Devaki got the items of number 34. Sukanya gave the keys of number 34 to Devaki when she told,”Am I a criminal that every item has the number marked. On this Vimla of number 30 told “Why do you mind for such small things, sister! Was the trouble given by our near and dear anyway less?” Kumud of number 27 also endorsed Vimla’s views.

Now the bed provided at number 34 was the address of Devaki. Her own house, fashioned to her taste, her private room attached with balcony all remained as the memories of the past.

Devaki’s mobile phone started ringing. By the time Devaki stretched her hand to lift the phone, Sukanya interrupted and told, “Auntie! You may use your phone only between four to five and for the rest of the time you have keep it switched off.” Devaki told Sukanya almost trembling "It is a call from my son. Allow me to talk.” Sukanya replied, “Today is your first day. From tomorrow you keep it locked.”

Devaki held the phone to her ears. From the other end the voice of Dushyant was heard. "Hello Mummy.” Devaki was thrilled as though she was in the midst of her family members. Dushyant proceeded further, “Flight is at the right time”.Devaki told gladly “Very good dear. Please take care of Pritu in Russia. It is extremely cold there. You give him ginger juice with honey.” Dushyant told,” Yes mummy, don’t worry.” Devaki wanted to inform Dushyant that only between four to five she was allowed to use mobile phone. But she heard the voice of Malati, "You disconnect the phone,The lecture of the old woman is never ending.”

Ashram was getting ready for dinner. Sukanya had instructed Vimala to bring Devaki to the hall. Vimala requested Devaki many times but she was not ready to have dinner. Vimla got tired and told “I am leaving as I have taken insulin injection.

The rooms were empty. All had gathered in the hall for dinner. Sitting on her bed, Devaki felt sleepy. Devaki gradually put a veil to the present and got lost in the dreamworld. The grandson Pritu is running away with her glasses and she is running behind him. Pritu is laughing loudly. "My glasses, my glasses" she was pleading. Just then Sukanya comes into the room. She taps Devaki’s shoulder and tells her, "The glasses are above your eyes, aunty."

Devaki’s colorful dream comes to an end. She comes to the realm of reality. Sukanya tells her, “Aunty let us go for dinner.” Devaki replies with all sadness,” No, I have been separated from my family. I have no appetite for food. Sukanya holds the hands of Devaki and tells her “Aunty, please come down with me and see how happy the inmates are. Here every person is separated from the family. Devaki told, "It is only a show. They hide their sadness inside.”

Sukanya said, “The manager will get angry with me if you do not come.” Devaki said, "If it is so, I am coming.” Both of them move towards the Dining Hall.

A large hall was full with about four hundred elderly people. Devaki was standing on one side shyly. Someone came from behind and told Devaki, "Hey, Mrs Chopra! You too are here?" Devaki looked back and found Colonel Ranjit Singh standing, who was her neighbour ten years before. Devaki said with surprise, "Colonel, how are you here?" Ranjit laughed and said, "As you are here, I am here. All are riding on the same kayak." Devaki asked, "Where is Behan Ji?"

Ranjit smiled, to hide the sadness on his face. He said, "Sudha, moved with me step by step throughout our life." Two years ago her steps faltered. May be it was my mistake. At every turn I kept saying 'ladies first'. God could understand my feelings “Devaki’s eyes were filled with tears. Ranjit said, "Let's eat food. If the chapati becomes cold, it will be difficult to chew”.

Meanwhile Vimala was calling Devaki to sit on an empty chair kept by the side of her. Devaki went near Vimala and sat down. She took a little food reluctantly. Being Sunday, after meal, a music program was held for two hours. All returned to their rooms. Lying in bed, some began to talk, some started snoring and some searched for light in the darkness, hoping the firefly to bring light. Devaki's two-minute meeting with Ranjeet Singh, took them back to to ten years. How friendly they were with congenial relationship between the two families! Passing down memory lanes they felt sleepy.

Hardly two hours would have passed when someone sob disturbed her sleep. She lifted her specs lying on the table. Sitting on her bed she started looking around. Half dozing Vimala whispered, "Go to sleep, Sister. Kumud sobs like this every night. Something went wrong with this poor woman. I shall tell you tomorrow.

This was the first morning of Devaki in the Ashram. Had it been her kitchen she would have prepared a cup of strong tea and would have watched the first rays of the morning sun sitting in the balcony. She would have clipped the dry yellow colored leaves of the holy basil( Tulsi) plant, waited for the newspaper. But she had heard that the tea was served here at 8 O‘clock. Must do yoga. After bath only she has to enter the hall. Everyone is familiarized with the daily routine of this place. There appeared to be less hope but more helplessness.

After breakfast, opportunity is given to familiarise with each other. Devaki and Vimala sat in a corner. Vimala started narrating the painful story of Kumud. Kumud had a son. At a young age her husband left her. Somehow she educated her son. She developed him well to get a decent job. He got a decent job abroad. His marriage was also solemnized. One day he proposed to Kumud about selling of the house and proceeding abroad. Kumud agreed to the proposal. The house was sold and the day for going abroad was also decided. Kumud's family reached Delhi International Airport. The son asked mother to stay outside. Along with his wife he entered the airport. Hours passed but he did not return. Kumud started enquiring. Police enquiry about the son and daughter in law revealed that both of them have already taken the flight to America. Kumud could hardly believe this. She approached the Home Ministry. When police showed the pictures taken on CCTV the poor woman got a shock of her life.

Devaki asked Vimala, “How did Vimala come to this Ashram?’ “This is private. One has to pay rupees seven lakhs to enter the Ashram”. Vimala told in a whispering tone,”Colonel had read the news in paper. He advanced the money. Please don’t tell this to Kumud”.

The order to go to their respective rooms was received. After Devaki’s arrival hardly 24 hours had passed but there was not a moment when she had not remembered her house.

Why do the women become so helpless. When she is in father’s house she cannot take decision against father’s wishes. When at husband’s house she cannot go against his wishes. As soon as the son grows up he starts giving directions to mother. Why do women with all capabilities become a failure? Is it due to their physical weakness or mental weakness or due to their spirit of sacrifice?

Devaki was engrossed in her thoughts when Vimala came and sat on her cot. She told Devaki, "Why do you think always about your house?” Devaki starts looking outside the window as though she wants to find her house from among many at a far off place. She tells Vimala, "One’s house is after all one’s own. Vimala tells her, "Look, I will make you say that Ashram is a much better than a house.” Devaki just smiles off.

Four months have passed like this. The friendship of Devaki and Vimala grew fonder. Devaki could not extricate herself from the thought of her house. Vimala was quite firm in her statement that she was happier here that at her house. Devaki had seen Vimala beholding a paper. Whenever someone came near Vimala she would fold the paper suddenly and hide it within her pallu. She held the corner of pallu tight with her palms even while sleeping. Devaki used to jokingly say, "Whose love letter are you hiding?” Vimala used to divert the topic.

It was a day of Ekadasi. Some women had observed certain ritual. Sukanya came and informed that fruits were being distributed on behalf of ”Pratap Club”. After hearing this all started going to the lower floor.

Vimla said, "No, I have been donating whole life, will it look good if I stretch my hands before others. Vimla told,” Sit with hunger till evening, you will not get anything to eat for observing the ritual (Vrat). Later Vimala returned with four bananas. Her face was looking pale. She gave two bananas to Devaki and told, ”What type of people the club has sent?” After getting two bananas for myself, I asked for two more bananas for you. Do you know sister, what that fellow told? Devaki asked, “What did he say?” Vimala wiped her tears by pallu and told what the fellow said, ”Old lady, don’t you have shame? Your legs are dangling in the grave, but still you have not left your greed”. Devaki got angry after hearing this and said “Leave it. He has spoiled his tongue”.

Vimala slept on her bed. It was the time for the evening tea. Devaki went to Vimala’s bed. The bananas kept on the table, near the bed were there. Devaki shook Vimala’s shoulder and said, “You made me eat bananas but yours are still left untouched. When she did get an answer she was shocked. Her dearest friend Vimala had gone for eternal sleep. The paper which she had been keeping tied to her pallu was kept on her chest today. Devaki took out that paper slowly. Seeing the paper tears rolled on her eyes. In that paper was drawn the picture of her house - the name plate written in big black letters clearly read “MY COTTAGE” “ Apna Gharounda”

Original Story - by Suman Sharma

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