Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)



Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)


No Risk

No Risk

23 mins

The morning alarm started ringing and with that ‘Riya’, a journalist by profession woke up. Riya lives with her single mother in New Delhi. She got ready for her office and after finishing her breakfast, she hugged her mother and said “Bye”. While driving her car to office, her phone started ringing, it was her boss ‘Vivan’ who was calling her to do a special coverage on flood victims. Riya picked up the call.                                         

 Riya: Hey Vivan! Good morning.

Vivan: Riya, where have you been?

Riya: I will reach office in 10 minutes. Is there any urgency?

Vivan: yes. Please pack your bags and leave for Uttar Pradesh. There have been floods in Balrampur district and you have to do a special coverage in those villages belonging to Balrampur district. Please leave with the cameraman as soon as possible.

Riya: Alright Vivan, I will be leaving after an hour. Bye.

She dropped the call and reached her office. After 1 hour, she left with ‘Vikram’ her cameraman in her car. Riya was working for the first time with Vikram. She has some curiosity to know about his experience. 

Riya: How much experienced are you in this channel?

Vikram: I joined this Channel 2 months back madam, previously I worked for another channel for 5 years. There also I was a Cameraman. Vivan sir preferred me as I belong from Uttar Pradesh, and I know villages in Uttar Pradesh very well.

Riya: Do you know about villages in Balrampur district?

Vikram: Yes Madam, I know about Amrahwa village.

Riya: Ok. Take me there. We will take some interviews of the Villagers and try to come back by the Night.

Vikram: Sure Madam.

On the way to Amrahwa village, they stopped at a highway dhaba to have a meal. Riya ordered a cup of tea while Vikram ordered one Veg thali. After having tea, Riya started to feel some uneasiness and he told Vikram about it.

Vikram: What happened madam?

Riya: Don`t know! I am feeling some headache. May be the tea was not good.

Vikram: Let me ask the owner.

Vikram went to Raju, the Dhaba owner.

Vikram: Hey! Have you mixed something in the tea?

Raju: No sir! Why?

Vikram: See madam is not feeling well after drinking your tea.

Raju: I don`t know sir. We served you the usual tea available in our Dhaba. Even I also drink the same tea.

Soon, Riya felt down with abdominal pain and started to scream. She requested Vikram to drop the plan for going to Amrahwa and take her to a nearby hospital. Vikram asked Raju about any nearby hospital.

Vikram: Hey! Is there any nearby hospital?

Raju: Sir, there is a hospital around 15 kms from here. Actually, it is a private hospital run by Dr. Anil. You can take madam there.

Vikram: Thanks!

Vikram drove Riya to the hospital which was run by Dr. Anil. After admitting Riya in the hospital. He called Vivan.

Vivan: Hello!

Vikram: Sir, on our way to Uttar Pradesh, Riya madam's health condition got serious. I took her to a nearby hospital.

Vivan(frightened): What happened to her?

Vikram: Don`t know sir. Doctor is still checking and trying to find out.

Vivan: Okay send me the location details in WhatsApp and update me once doctor tells you anything. I will inform her mother.

Vikram: Alright Sir.

After 2 hours, Dr. Anil came to Vikram and informed him that Riya is dead. Vikram got frightened with the news and he asked doctor.

Vikram: Doctor! I took her to the hospital within 30 minutes after she complained about her abdominal pain still you are saying that she died. How is it possible?

Dr. Anil: I am also unable to understand. Her blood reports are normal, but her scan reports say that her pancreas got damaged from inside. This seems to me an unusual case as she is still young. Please inform her parents or relatives. I want to ask some questions.

Vikram: Sure.

When Vivan and Riya`s mother reached the hospital. They heard the news about Riya`s demise. They both got shocked and still cannot believe that she is no more. Dr. Anil asked some questions to Vivan and Riya` mother.

Dr. Anil: I can understand the pain, but I really wanted to ask some questions to get some clarity on Ria`s death.

Vivan: Sure doctor.

Dr. Anil: Riya was young and healthy but seeing her case in which her pancreas got damaged from the inside is very unusual. When we admitted her, she was alive but when we started to do some blood tests and scans, she started screaming in pain like something is tearing her from inside. When she was unable to tolerate the pain, she died. We have the video footage also in our CCTV cameras. If you want, I can share that with you.

Vivan: After getting admitted in how much time she died?

Dr. Anil: Around 1.5 hours but I wanted to ask whether she was alcoholic or a smoker?

Riya`s mother: Doctor, Riya was a happy go lucky girl who does her job very seriously. Yes, she was socially active and went to some late-night parties. She drinks alcohol but only occasionally. She told me about it. But I haven`t seen her smoking anytime.

Vivan: Yes doctor, Riya was very professional. She drinks alcohol sometimes at our office parties, but I also haven`t seen her smoking.

Dr. Anil: Anyways, from your statement I can assume that she was not addicted to alcohol. Whether she complained anything about her health condition in near past or whether she was having any medical history?

Riya`s mother: No. She didn`t had any medical history. She was a little stressed about her work but regarding health she never complained.

Dr. Anil: Okay. You can take her body with you, and I would suggest filing a police FIR to investigate the reason behind her death. I will give you the postmortem report tomorrow.

Riya`s mother was deeply saddened with her daughter`s demise. Vivan understood the situation. He asked Vikram to take care of Riya`s mother for some time till he came back after filing a Police FIR in local police station. After 3 hours, Vivan comes back.

Riya`s mother: Have you filed the complaint?

Vivan: Yes. I filed an FIR so that Police can start their investigation. We can take Riya`s body and leave now.

Vivan and Vikram took Riya`s mother along with her dead body back to New Delhi. Police started their investigation and they enquired at the highway Dhaba but they found nothing. They also seen the CCTV footage but haven`t found any clues. After some days, Vivan went to the Police Station, but Police informed him that they haven`t found any clue and this case seems to be unsolved for them as in the blood reports also there are no traces of Poison or any other substance. Even they have consulted with other doctors, but they have not found any answers. Vivan got disappointed. He went to Riya`s home the next day.

Riya`s Mother: Did Police find anything?

Vivan: Police is clueless aunty. I think we should approach CBI for this investigation.

Riya`s Mother: I think involving CBI in this case is too early now. We should show some faith in the police.

Vivan: Aunty, I don`t see any hope in police investigation. Riya was a Journalist and Journalist can have many enemies. Someone must have planned against her. He murdered her in such a way that there will be no clues left behind. I request you to please support me for taking this case to CBI. Riya was a good friend of mine and I really want to know the reason behind her death.

Riya`s mother: Okay. What to do about this?

Vivan: I had a word with a lawyer, he said we need to file a Petition in Delhi High Court to transfer the case to CBI as we are seeing no hope in Police investigation.

Riya`s mother: Ok. I will come to Delhi High Court tomorrow.

The next Day Vivan and Riya`s mother filed a petition in Delhi High Court. After 2 months, their case finally got transferred to CBI. CBI has assigned this case to Officer Sooraj. Officer Sooraj starts his investigation with the people involved in this case. He questions everyone but he is left with no clue. He visits Dr. Anil and find that there were no traces of Poison or any other substance in Riya`s blood. He also came to know that Riya was alcoholic, but she was not addicted to alcohol as per her medical reports. Then Sooraj visits the highway Dhaba. Dhaba owner, Raju tells him that Vikram and Riya came to his Dhaba for taking some meals. He informed that Riya only ordered tea which was very common beverage in his Dhaba as that day many people drank the same tea before Riya, but no one complained. Sooraj has to believe Raju as there was no reason to suspect him. After investigating many facts, Sooraj was unable to resolve the mystery. Sooraj decided to take help from his childhood friend, Rishav who is a private detective by profession. They meet in a coffee house.

Sooraj: Very nice to see you.

Rishav: Same here. So, tell me what is the problem?

Sooraj: I was investigating a case in which a female Journalist died. I want you to help me unofficially in this case.

Rishav: Why are you not going to other CBI officers?

Sooraj: We won`t be able to know the truth if we follow an official way. That`s why I am trying the different way around.

Rishav: Ok. What was the reason behind her death?

Sooraj: Doctor who did her postmortem said that her pancreas got damaged from inside. There was no medical history. She drank Alcohol but occasionally. There were no traces of Poison also in her blood. She was young and had no medical complaints in her recent past. The thing which could have damaged her pancreas is still unknown. Her mother suspects that she has been murdered by any enemy.

Rishav: Does she have an enemy?

Sooraj: I asked her colleagues but haven`t found any enemy. She doesn`t have any boyfriends also. She was very professional.

Rishav: Have you consulted any other doctor?

Sooraj: Yes. Dr. Neeraj who usually helps me in solving some crime cases said that she must have consumed something which have reacted in her body and resulted in damaging her pancreas.

Rishav(surprised) : But what?

Sooraj: No idea. What she consumes in her daily life is difficult to find. I asked her mother, but her meal seems to be normal.

Rishav: Is there any chance of taking drugs?

Sooraj: There is some probability as she often attended some late-night parties. But in which late night party she can take drugs is difficult to find.

Rishav: Alright, let`s take a chance then. I will go to all those places where she usually visited. Maybe we can get some clue.

Sooraj: Alright then, let me know if you find anything. In parallel, I will cross question with her neighbors. Maybe they know something.

Rishav: Sure.

Rishav started to collect some information about the usual places Riya visited. She generally visited “The Chatter house”, “Tamasha” and “No risk”. Rishav enquired about all the 3 places whether drugs can be available in those places or not. But he has not succeeded. Rishav took help from Sooraj to take out Riya`s Credit card transaction details and bank account transaction details. He investigated all the transactions since when Riya visited the 3 places for the first time. Rishav found out that she visited those places frequently from last 2 years. Rishav meets Sooraj again in the same Coffee house.

Sooraj: Have you found something?

Rishav: Not very certain whether I am in the right direction or not. It seems to me that Riya`s death was unusual. She was alcoholic occasionally, but we cannot link the reason for her death with alcohol. She frequently visited the 3 places “The Chatter house”, “Tamasha” and “No risk” since last 2 years but i haven`t found any evidence of drugs availability in those places.

Sooraj: So, what will be your next step?

Rishav: If possible, can you check and try to find out from Police records that whether any Person in this city died with the similar cause of death as Riya. You need to check the last 2 years records. The deceased death reason must have remained unsolved. If we are lucky, perhaps we will find some similar cases. 

Sooraj: I can try but it will take time to find such similar cases. But I can`t guarantee you that similar cases can be there.

Rishav: No issues. At least we can try a different way to solve this case.

Sooraj started his work to find those death cases which are still unsolved. In the meantime, Rishav went to see Riya`s mother.

Riya`s mother: I am sorry, but I have not identified you.

Rishav: I am Riya`s colleague aunty, I was transferred to a different city last year, so I was unaware about Riya`s news. I am very sorry to hear about her.

Riya`s mother: Yes. She left very early but I still miss her.

Rishav: If you don`t mind may i ask how she died?

Riya`s mother: We are still waiting for the answer. Police was unable to solve the case, so we requested for a CBI enquiry. Her death case is being investigated by CBI now. It has been 3 months but there is no progress.

Rishav: Have you asked CBI about the case progress?

Riya`s mother: Yes, I called them 2-3 times but every time they say that they are still investigating. Their investigating officer Sooraj, he visited my home 2 times but he haven`t found any evidence.

Rishav: Aunty, can i ask you one thing?

Riya`s mother: Yes.

Rishav: I have heard that Riya was alcoholic, and she has habit of attending late night parties. Was there any incident in the past when she came to home in an unconscious state?

Riya`s mother: I don`t remember exactly but generally Riya comes home in a normal state and not in a drunken state. But there has been an incident when she overslept. I thought she had a long party that`s because she is not waking up. I got afraid also. I decided to call doctor but then she woke up. I asked her that why she was sleeping for too long. She replied that she was feeling tired that`s why. Then, I ignored that incident.

Rishav: How long Riya overslept that day?

Riya`s mother: I think she slept for more than 15 hours that day.

Rishav: Aunty, do you remember the exact date?

Riya`s mother: No. But I only remember this incident happened around 7 months back.

Rishav: Okay. That`s it aunty. I will leave then.

Rishav then tried to link the time duration of Riya`s incident happened 7 months back with the suspected places, but he can`t as Riya`s mother was not sure with the exact month. He has to wait for information from Sooraj to get confirmation whether he is in the right direction or not. After 2 weeks, Sooraj called Rishav to meet him at the same Coffee house.

Rishav: Tell me what have you found?

Sooraj: I think your suspicion was correct. There were 3 deaths other than Riya in this city in last 4 months with the same cause of death. Cases are still unsolved, and the police has no clues.

Rishav: Have you got the information of those 3 people who died?

Sooraj: Yes. 1st Person is Prateek, he was a Bank Manager by profession. 2nd Person is Anjali, a Lawyer by profession. She was doing her practice in Delhi high court and the 3rd Person is Sunil, he was a Stockbroker by profession. All the 3 people died one or two weeks before Riya`s death.

Rishav: Is anything common with these 3 people?

Sooraj: Nothing except the habit of drinking. But all 3 died because of the same cause of death - internal damage of Pancreas with no traces of Poison.

Rishav: I suspect that these 3 people may have a common place to party. Give me the information, I will try to find out.

 Rishav figured out the daily routines of Prateek, Anjali and Sunil. He cross checked every fact related with their cases. He came to a conclusion after investigating all the facts and called Sooraj to meet him again in Coffee house.

Sooraj: What is your conclusion in this case?

Rishav: We have 4 deaths with same reason with no evidence and people who died have nothing in common. So why they were targeted? 

Sooraj: Probably, because of some common enemy.

Rishav: These 4 people belong to different backgrounds having different lifestyles, they cannot have a common enemy. Perhaps, they visit a common place on a frequent basis. That common place is “No risk” bar.

Sooraj: How can you be so sure about this?

Rishav: I checked in all the places in which Prateek, Anjali and Sunil were going and found out that “No risk” bar is the only common place they visited. Riya also visited “No risk” bar many times. May be i am wrong but i suspect that all 4 people were targeted at “No risk” bar.

Sooraj: But why they targeted?

Rishav: This is still a mystery, but I will find out the reason soon.

Sooraj: See you then.

Next day, a stranger comes to meet Rishav at his home. Rishav asked his name. He answered that his name is “Biswajit”. He is a Mechanic by Profession. Rishav asked him to take his seat.

Rishav: So, how can I help you?

Biswajit: I came here to help you in the case in which you are currently working.

Rishav(surprised): What do know about the deaths of those 4 people?

Biswajit: I know everything. I know that Prateek, Anjali, Sunil and Riya visited “No risk” bar on a frequent basis and you came to know about it. I was in that Coffee house yesterday. I heard your conversation with Sooraj.

Rishav (angered): Who the hell are you?

Biswajit: Well, I am an Indian spy in real and Biswajit is my code name. I am sorry that I cannot reveal my real name to you.

Rishav(shocked): An Indian spy! But why you were interested in these 4 people?

Rishav: Are these 4 people had some terrorist linkage or something like that?

Biswajit: Well, it is not like that. I am not interested in these 4 people, but I am interested in their deaths. All 4 died because of the same reason, time duration of all 4 deaths will be around 2 weeks. In addition to that, they have a common visit place “No risk” bar which you found out. Your information helped me a lot.

Rishav: Helped you but how?

Biswajit: I work for Intelligence Bureau. One day our intelligence got the information that China is planning a biological war with India. They have developed a virus named “Seminibus”. This type of Virus is very dangerous that react inside human body after a span of time once it has infected the person. I suspect those 4 people have been infected with the Virus and the place of contamination is “No risk” bar. That Virus must have been brought to India by any Chinese Agent. We need to find out who else was involved in this case, and then only we can uncover the truth.

Rishav: How can you say that the death of these 4 people is linked with Virus infection?

Biswajit: We have received some evidence from those laboratories in which this Virus was being developed. That was found out by our other agents. Also, we have tracked a voice call from China to New Delhi. That voice call contained some code words, but we decoded the code words and found that Virus has been brought to New Delhi by a Chinese Agent. They targeted New Delhi as it is India`s capital. They probably will target other cities. We need to find the traitor soon.

Rishav: But how do you know that the Virus was implanted at “No risk” bar?

Biswajit: We interrogated some people on whom we suspected to be involved in this plan with China. They told us that they infected few people with this Virus but they didn`t knew their names. Also, our internal sources have informed about the mysterious death of Journalist, Riya as her death news was broadcasted on Television. I believed that her death was caused due to the Virus attack. For confirmation, i followed up in this case, started collecting information, evidences. Then my investigation took me to Sooraj and then you. You worked really well in this case.

Rishav: Do you suspect anyone of this Virus infection at “No risk” bar?

Biswajit: Well. I suspect the manager of “No risk” bar, Mr. Rajan, he has lived and worked in China for 5 years before working at “No risk” bar. Also, his family still lives in Shanghai. I don`t have evidence against him but if he confesses his crime then it will become easier for us.

Rishav: We can call him for normal enquiry that much evidence i already collected. I am calling Sooraj to call Rajan for an enquiry in this case.

Biswajit: Please make sure that this enquiry looks like a murder enquiry, and he should have no idea that we know about the biological war otherwise he will try to escape.

Rishav: Ok.

Rishav informed everything to Sooraj, and he insisted him to call Rajan for this CBI enquiry. Sooraj agreed. Sooraj called Rajan for a murder enquiry. He requested his help to solve the murder case. Next morning, Rajan reached CBI headquarters. Sooraj took Rajan to the interrogation room.

Sooraj: Hello Rajan! Thanks for coming.

Rajan: My pleasure.

Sooraj: Sorry to call you at such a short notice but we have very less time.

Rajan: it is alright Sir! Please tell me how can i help you.

Sooraj: Yes, there have been 4 deaths in a span of 2 weeks. The death reason seems to be very mysterious as all 4 persons were young, but doctors say that their pancreases were internally damaged.

Rajan: So, what can I do in that Sir?

Sooraj: Actually, those 4 people were regular customers in “No risk” bar. Here are those 4 people - Prateek, Anjali, Sunil and Riya.

Sooraj shows their pictures. Rajan identifies them.

Rajan: Yes sir, these 4 were our regular customers but it has been a while since they visited our bar again. I have seen the death news of Riya madam on TV.

Sooraj: They have not visited your bar again as all 4 people are dead Mr. Rajan, and somehow your bar “No risk” is linked with their deaths.

Rajan(angered): What are you saying Sir. We serve around 500 customers in our bar on a daily basis. Obviously, I can identify my regular customers but if they are dead that doesn`t mean that our bar is linked with their deaths.

Sooraj(angered): See Mr. Rajan, I have got the information from higher sources about the biological war which China is planning against India. I suspect you to be a part of it. China has prepared a virus “Seminibus” to kill Indian people. You contaminated the drinks of this 4 people and murdered them in a unique way so that Police or other agencies can never get evidence against you or China.

Rajan(worried): Sir, how can you say that I have murdered these 4 people?

Sooraj: Because you worked in China for 5 years, you left their country and came to India and started working as manager at “No risk” bar. You came here and worked here to execute your plan for biological war.

Rajan(feared) : This is not true Sir.

Sooraj: This is true. Tell me your plan. How many more people you infected with this Virus?

Rajan refused again and again but Sooraj keeps on asking him questions and pressurizing him to confess his crime. Sooraj slaps him several times, but he still refused. Sooraj stopped interrogating him and went outside the room to drink water. When Sooraj came back, he saw that Rajan is pointing a pistol on him, that appears to be Sooraj`s pistol which he left inside the room by mistake before going outside. Sooraj tried to make him understand.                               

Sooraj: Please put the gun down Mr. Rajan.

Rajan (Sad): I can`t do that as I know that you won`t believe me whatever i say but i know the real culprit behind this conspiracy.

Sooraj: Who is it, Rajan?

Rajan: My son, Hitesh is behind this. I was working in China as a manager in restaurant. There have been some conflicts of interest between me and my wife, Tara. We started to have some differences in our relationship. Every day there were arguments between us still i was tolerating her. Then one day, I found out that my son has started to work for MSS (Ministry of State Security) which is a Chinese intelligence agency. I found some confidential papers inside his room. I can`t able to understand much but I can see that China was planning something against India. I tried to stop my son for working in MSS, but he refused. I had talked about this with my wife, but she was not ready to listen anything. She said that let our son decide his future on himself. I was completely confused at that time. Then I decided to leave China and go back to India as I can tolerate everything but seeing my son as a traitor against his own country, i can`t accept this thing. I left China and come back to India with the hope that one day they will realize their mistake.

Sooraj: What happened after that?

Sooraj: Have your family came to India to see you? 

Rajan: My son came once to see me before 4 months from Riya`s death. From your allegations, i am sure that he didn`t came to see me but to test his deadly Virus. I request you to please arrest him with my wife. They are coming from Shanghai to New Delhi in today`s evening flight.

Sooraj: I believe your statement Rajan. Now, please put the gun down.

Rajan: If you believe me then please arrest my family before they infect someone else. But i can`t live being a traitor`s father. I really love my country.

Rajan shouted “Jai Hind” loudly and he shot himself. CBI officers surrounded Sooraj. Sooraj then calls Rishav and tells him the truth. Their next target is Hitesh, Rajan`s son. They planned to arrest him at IGI Airport. They printed his photo from Facebook. Hitesh landed in India with his mother, they both were arrested at Airport by CBI. Sooraj took Hitesh to CBI headquarters to finally solve the mystery.

Hitesh (Angered): What is this, how can you arrest me like this.

Sooraj: I don`t want to waste more time in this case Hitesh. Your father, Rajan has told everything about you and your mother. We know that you work for MSS. We know about the “Seminibus” Virus which China has prepared. So, it will be better for you that you start speaking quickly.

Hitesh (Laughs): You won`t get anything officer.

Sooraj: Your father is no more Hitesh. He shot himself because he was ashamed being a traitor`s father. If you have some respect for him then please speak up.

Hitesh got saddened and he started crying after hearing his father`s news. After some time, he agreed to confess his crime in front of Sooraj.

Sooraj: Tell me everything from the beginning Hitesh.

Hitesh: It was started more than one year back when China prepared “Seminibus” Virus. This Virus was really dangerous as it doesn`t attacked humans quickly. If someone gets infected with this Virus, then it gets mixed in their blood with no traces. Slowly, the Virus makes the infected person`s immunity weak. When there is very less immunity left inside the infected person, the Virus will attack and destroy the internal organs. Virus can take around 3-4 months to attack as we targeted young people because youth is the backbone for a country. So, to make the immunity weak of a young person, Virus can take 3-4 months. But it was sure that no one can trace it as Virus gets mixed inside blood very quickly. We were confident that no one will be able to identify that the deaths happened because of Virus attack. When the first sample of Virus was prepared, i was working in MSS, they selected me to take it to India. My father was already working in New Delhi, so i selected this city. He was a manager at “No risk” bar where parties happened on a daily basis. Therefore, i decided to test the Virus on the people coming in bar. I transported the Virus from China in the form of tablets. In the first sample, i had only 4 tablets, so i mixed the tablets in drinks randomly hiding it from my father. I took the pictures of those people who got infected with the Virus. I left India after that. Our other spies started to keep an eye on those infected people so that we can confirm the effectiveness of our virus. All 4 people died. I have seen the death news of Riya on Television. I didn`t knew that she was a journalist. It was nothing personal, we were only testing. I did everything for money.

Sooraj (Disgusted): Shame on you Hitesh. You betrayed your own father, your own country, just for money. Your father died because of you. Do your mother was also involved?

Hitesh: She knew everything but i was completely involved.

Sooraj: Knowing the truth and hiding it also becomes a part of crime. Your mother will also get punished for this Crime. Have you made infected someone else also?

Hitesh: No. After successful testing, we decided to prepare Virus in India so that we can infect majority of people in a short span of time. Our team is ready for this plan execution. I came here with Virus specimen so that we can start preparing the Virus in India, but you arrested me. Without this specimen, Virus can`t be prepared. But one thing, i told you everything and surrendered myself to you just because i loved my father. There were disagreements between us but i still loved him. He was a true patriot. He left his family as his family was going against their own country. I am feeling really ashamed now.

Sooraj: Cruel intentions always lead to destruction.

Sooraj recorded his confession and closed the case. After revealing the truth, nation was really shocked. But with the fighters like Sooraj, Rishav and Biswajit, the national security is in safe hands. CBI handed over Hitesh to Intelligence Bureau as they needed more information from him. Hitesh and his mother got punished as per the IPC law. Whatever the conspiracies will be against our country, our heroes will always be there to save our country every time. Jai hind!



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