Harrish Jaypaul J

Abstract Tragedy Fantasy


Harrish Jaypaul J

Abstract Tragedy Fantasy



5 mins

The story is purely fictional, and it is a non-linear subject plot.


"A dream world (paracosm) won't affect a person's quality of life. But now it has affected the entire world," says Raghav, the astronaut of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, aka NASA, on a planet.


"I am trying to control my emotions, but I can't, as this planet makes me more emotional."


Raghav's bitter past has been portrayed on the planet, which he can see, and his intensity of emotion has increased.


"God, I need to get out of this freaking planet," says Raghav. He tried to get out of the planet's orbit, but he couldn't. The orbit has been pulling him inside the planet when he tries to get away. Raghav says,


"I know that this planet is my imaginary planet connected with my emotions.If I can control my emotions,I can get rid of this planet."


Raghav forgets his past and recollects his good memories, and with a huge effort, he gets off the planet.


"Thank God, I am saved, but this is temporary. I need to save the people of Earth from this paracosm that was created by me."


Raghav recalled his past, where he worked as an astronaut and a senior astronomer. He had a dark past and an effortless work ethic to get into the work of an astronaut at NASA. He used to remember his past and cry, but he became confident after he became a senior astronomer. One day, as an observational astronomer, he discovered a planet near Earth and announced to his co-workers that he had discovered a habitable planet that was nearly like Earth.


He was happy, but at a moment it was revealed that no one could see the planet by the observations he had made, and they said that he became mad after his emotional background and that he needed therapy and a good break. Raghav tried to prove the discovery of the new planet, but he came to know that only he could see it, followed by the attempts of his assistants. He came to the conclusion that it was an illusion but later understood that the planet was an imaginary one that was linked emotionally to his body.


He called it his imaginary world. Following the break, he tried to propose a theory called the paracosmical theory, which defines that each and every individual on the planet Earth has a planet that is emotionally linked to themselves and that can only be seen by the respective people. The researchers called him a fool and decided to focus only on the constellation observations. He also made a mission to go to the planet to check whether his theory was correct, but he was rejected by NASA.


Followed up by some days,he observed strange behaviour in some people in his resident place. People started to imagine themselves in a world, and they started to think about their emotional background and hurt themselves. Also, some people made an attempt to kill others. It started to spread over the entire world, and researchers found themselves affected, and some might find it abnormal. They initially thought that people were affected by some kind of virus, but nothing has happened like that.


Soon Raghav was fired from his job as he was the one who told the theory, and the researchers believed that he was a strange person and made him responsible for the incidents that were happening around the world. He tried to save himself and has decided to go to his imaginary planet to find a solution. He later decided to go to the European Space Agency, where he managed to reach the space by a rocket.He crossed the Earth's orbit and reached the planet of his soul. On reaching the planet, he noticed that it was completely different from Earth, and his past life and his life after death were portrayed on the planet like a hologram.


He believed that it was the planet linked to his soul, and after death, everyone must be on their own imaginary planet where they can recollect their past and move on to their life after death. The planet has created so much emotional pressure as he was alive and staying on the planet.After so much effort, he got off the planet as he controlled his soul with positive feelings and got rid of the emotional pressure and the orbit of the planet. The story traverses over to the start.


"Thank God, I am saved, but this is temporary. I need to save the people of Earth from this paracosm that was created by me."


He believed that the paracosm was created by him as he saw his imaginary planet, which was about to be seen in his after life.As the life pattern was wrong, he thought that people on the planet Earth had also been affected by the wrong pattern and also by the paracosm. He decided that the only solution was to sacrifice himself, as he was the only person to have seen an imaginary planet of his own, and he killed himself. After a series of events, the people of planet Earth returned to their normal state. Raghav went on to an imaginary planet of his own, where he saw his struggling and bitter past and moved on to the life-after-death process, which was not explained as it was a process that could not be described by a person who was alive where the story ends.

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