Trisha Khandelwal

Drama Tragedy Fantasy


Trisha Khandelwal

Drama Tragedy Fantasy



5 mins

It had been a tiring day. Princess Irene barely found time for herself with all the preparations going on in the palace for the crowning of her husband that would take place the next day. She had been plenty excited, of course, since she would be crowned queen, but she found herself going back to her room in the evening with a raging headache. She did not let the irritation and pain show on her face. Her personal maid, however, was quick to catch onto her mood -she had always been perceptive like that- and wordlessly went out of her chambers to go bring her mistress some tea. Irene was thankful for having a maid like Xanue, so when she came back with her tray, Irene gestured for her to take a seat across her. Xanue complied with her request after setting the tray down on a nearby table. "You've always been so attentive and loyal to me Xanue. I am greatly thankful for it. Tell me, is there anything that you wish for me to give you as a reward?"

Xanue looked up, surprised at her mistress's words, but then quickly bowed her head. "Princess, I am flattered by your high praise. If I may speak freely, I have only one thing I wish for. It is something that only your Highness can help me with. "Irene slightly leaned forward in interest. "Do not be afraid. Speak freely. How can I reward you?""As your Highness might already know, I used to be the late Princess's personal attendant. I used to be quite close to the Princess and ever since she has passed away, I have had nothing to remember her by. If your Highness would be so kind as to give me the late princess's brooch, I would be very grateful. "A brooch? Of the late Princess? It wasn't that big of a request. Although Irene had hidden all the Princess's belongings in spite and hatred, the feelings had gradually faded in comparison to the joy she had felt when she was announced to be the future Queen of Polanae.

Thus, Irene felt like she could overlook her hate for the late Princess Martha and fulfill Xanue's wish in exchange for her unwavering loyalty and wits. Irene stood up and walked over to her wardrobe. She opened it and then pressed a panel hidden by her clothes, which in turn opened a secret compartment, where Irene kept her precious jewelry and some of Martha's accessories. She took out the blue brooch and handed it to Xanue, who looked so happy, she was almost overcome by tears. Looking at her reaction, Irene's mood soured. She did not understand why Xanue or anyone would care for a Princess who died of food poisoning. She was the daughter of a concubine and unworthy of all the attention she used to receive. Xanue must have noticed the slight change in her mistress's mood, for she left soon after, thanking Irene profusely and requesting her to enjoy her tea in peace. Irene sighed and took the tray to her balcony. She felt the teapot. It was still hot. Good. Her headache, though dim, hadn't fully subsided yet. Irene absently poured herself a cup and stirred the tea with a spoon, dissolving any remnants that had settled down at the bottom.

Since nobody was around her, it would have been alright if she had gulped it down, but Princess Irene Lionheart wouldn't do that. She wanted to be the most graceful and mannered Queen that had ever been. So, she would have to put herself through a rigid schedule every day and she would have to mind her manners even when she was alone. This meant that instead of downing it all a once like she desperately wanted to, she had to sip her tea noiselessly, making sure that her fingers didn't grip the cup holder too hard. It took a toll on her body: the soft bows, practiced smiles and the alert postures. It took a toll on her mind too: the blocking of her emotions, the constant reading of the room and the studies she had to do as future Queen. But it would be worth it. When she would be called the greatest Queen in Polanae, it would all be worth it. Irene had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't seen her silver tea spoon turn black. Due to the greedy eyes and ambitions of the enemies of the kingdom, all royals and nobles used silverware, because any tampering of the food or drinks would turn the silver black.

Irene had may have painstakingly climbed her way to the top, but she had forgotten, that anyone beneath her would aim for her feet and make her fall. The next day, the maids would come rushing into her room to find their future Queen dead. Xanue would be revealed as a spy of Princess Martha, the daughter of the King. Princess Martha, who would make her entrance at Irene's funeral, wearing her prized brooch on a blue satin dress. Prince Desmond, the soon-to-be King of Polanae, would lose a wife but gain a sister. There would be a mixture of celebration and mourning, because a beloved life had died but the dead princess was alive. Everyone would soon forget Princess Irene as the one who would be the greatest queen, and instead would remember her as another Princess who had passed away due to poison in their tea. But before it all goes downhill, Irene would sit in her balcony during her last hours, a picture of poise, and with the weariness of the world, she would stare at the creamy peach sky, wishing for the peace to last forever.

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