Arun Gode

Drama Action


Arun Gode

Drama Action

Professional Thoughts.

Professional Thoughts.

5 mins

                       There were two young, clever boys in the family whose parent was a government employee in small town. Their father was very laborious worker in side as well as out side the job. He had some ancestor’s farming land just stone’s throw from his work place which was his additional source of income. No sooner did he earned additional amount than he purchased a few acre land in the town. Although he was a government servant, but he was fond of farming the land. He used to spare time in farming. Hence family’s financial condition grew very sound by leaps and bound..

             His elder son was very tall, handsome with fair complexation in comparison to the younger son. Although younger son wasn’t as smart as his elder brother, but he was very sharp by brain and excellent in study. Though elder son was dull in education but he was very simple, active and innocent. He passed his higher secondary board examination and completed his post graduation in pharmacy. Younger son also completed his post graduation in medical science. He fulfilled his parent’s dream to be a doctor.

                    Elder son get married with girl who was also master of pharmacy from same community. She had slightly black beauty appearance. The couple had a son. Both of them left home and doing jobs. They always in search of new job for handsome salary and hence they were wandering from one city another city. His younger brother was a government medical officer. His parent decided to get him married soon. So they were in search of match bride for him. their son already made his mind that his life partner should be from the same profession. He already convinced his parent about his expectation towards their daughter-in-law. He had given them some period to find their daughter-in-law either from the same community or allow him from other community. If they failed to do so, he would marry with girl of his choice. They started their effort to find match girl in their caste. They attended so many marriage bureau in different cities. His maternal uncle was also making sincere effort along with them to find match girl for his nephew. They also wanted their daughter-in- law should be allopathic doctor. Though their community was rich in education for male in all discipline , but their community failed to produce lady doctors in sufficient number. There were only a few lady doctor in their community as if it was not good profession for the female. They were worried about their younger son’s marriage as time was elapsing. They need to find suitable match girl as per scheduled plan.

                    Bridegroom’s maternal sister’s co-father phoned to his mother. He had a proposal of a lady doctor out side our community. He told her that bride’s father was the closest friend of him. He also informed the family that bride’s family was ready to make relation with them. The matter was discussed within the family and maternal uncle as the proposal was from lower cast in existing four tier system within the country. The boy was ready to accept the proposal provided the family as well as nearest relatives had no objection. The parent neither accepted nor rejected the proposal as haste make waste. They kept the said proposal under supervision meanwhile they were searching match girl from the community. They thought that it was worthy to have a birds in hand than two birds in bushes as they failed to do so.

                   Every cloud has a silver lining. The girl was not only doctor but also very beautiful and charming. She already completed her post graduation in medicine. Finally whole family decided to accept the proposal. Since nearest relatives were highly qualified as well as open minded, they accepted the proposal as great minds think alike. Both families were happy. The moment the bride groom family accepted the proposal, the bride’s family arranged the great wonderful, memorial wedding ceremony with enthusiasm as per their custom. All the prominent dignitaries from the two different communities attended the function and gave their sincere blessing to the couple with open mind from the bottom of their heart. Both get married with the blessing as well as moral support of their parents and relatives. First step is always hardest. There wouldn’t be any hesitation among the people of the community as both families dared to accept the coming challenges. It was just beginning towards polarization of communities for mutual professional benefit. When highly qualified and financially sound families take any initiative to set any ideal in the society, Nobody dares to protest it. If same thing accepted in the uneducated and in poor families, it would be widely protested among themselves.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. The caste is not god gifted . It was the creation of selfish elements of the society to establish their domination over the general masses of the uneducated society. They had an edge for getting the undue respect as well as financial benefit. They aren’t ready to leave the facilities just earned by birth in the higher caste as it is privilege for them. If people revolt against the ill custom in the society, there wouldn’t be any classism in the society. The society would change its face and phase when all the members of the society would get good education without any differentiation. It is the prime duty of the government to educate it’s citizen for fast development of the country as the education is only milk of tigress . The barrier of caste was not at all the significant factor for professionals in their life. Why should the other masses have significance of caste barrier for safe and happy life for their loving children ?.

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