Nivedita Das

Drama Tragedy


Nivedita Das

Drama Tragedy

Rajaram's Saga

Rajaram's Saga

3 mins

Rajaram's was the eldest of four siblings born to poor parents living in a small village. At the age of ten he was adopted by his childless maternal uncle. Rajaram found it hard to coup up with his uncle and aunt even more challenging to address them as father and mother. Uncle worked in the block police station came home and took out all his frustration on Rajaram by beating him with his leather belt, aunt never intervened as she had not much liking towards him. Aunt was not a good cook hence Rajaram sometimes ran to his parents house which was in the neighboring village and pleaded with them not to send him back but it never happened. When he was nineteen years he was married to a girl of uncle's choice, within a year he was blessed with a girl and few months after that his uncle died of heat stroke. 

Eventually Rajaram became the sole owner of his uncle's house, fields and cattle. He was hostile towards aunt as he considered her to be the reason of all his grievances. He was arrogant and stopped going to fields for supervision and shouted at his wife if she reminded him of harvest time. Years went by he was father to six daughters and four sons. All his time he sat under a neem tree playing cards or singing, at home shouting at wife over petty things and beating his children. He couldn't afford their education so had to sell his wife's jewellery and portions of his farm land. His eldest daughter was married to a postmaster, one of his son worked in the district revenue department, another worked as a photographer, the third worked with a shopkeeper and the fourth looked after the fields and cattle. Rajaram didn't have the means for his remaining daughters wedding so sold part of his cattle and all his farmlands. A day came when he was only left with the house which was in ruined stage. His wife too had succumbed to his ill behavior. He never permitted his wife to visit his children. Her falling health too didn't refrain him from stopping his children to take her for medical check ups. And the day came when she breathed her last, his kids performed the last rites and asked him to join them. His ego didn't melt and he stayed with his youngest son who had limited means. Rajaram had cataract but neglected surgery, he was completely blind in right eye and one day while roaming in the village and cursing people he fell down. When he gathered consciousness he was in his bed unable to move his right hand and leg, the village doctor declared he had paralyzed his right side. While bedridden his grandchildren fed him, his son cleaned and washed him. Rajaram didn't stop cursing them. He was in agony as he thought his life was ruined after his adoption. His parents never loved him, his foster parents treated him as slave, his wife never cared for him and his children never bothered for him. He was living in delusion. His parents loved him much so gave him for adoption for a better life. His uncle wanted him to be disciplined enough to take care of the property. His wife bore him ten kids without considering his ill temperament and her poor health. His kids performed on their own looked after him even in his handicapped state tolerating his curse and swear. 

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