Arpita Ranka

Drama Crime Others


Arpita Ranka

Drama Crime Others



3 mins

India is a land of customs, traditions and cultures. We all know right? But this is also one of the country with highest rates of rapes. Right? 

But why women are raped? Why? 

No one knows the actual motive right? Is this the fault of women? Yes.

According to the all the common people of this country, this is the fault of girls. Why?

Because they wear the short and reviling clothes and give rights to rapists to rape them and get satisfaction.



It was the time of winter. I was returning home from my classes and it was almost 9 p.m. My home was quite far from my classes and at that time of night I was not able to find any autos also. I was walking my seeing here and there, there was no one on that empty road. I was all alone. Then I heard some guys shouting and playing and drinking alcohol and smoking on the other side of the road. I got a little scared. I tried not to draw any attention towards me but as soon as I crossed them, they all saw me with hunger and lust in their eyes. As I realized their dirty mind I ran towards any direction. They all were running behind me. One of them came really close towards me and tried to pull me back. I got all my strength and was running by sparing my life. He got my top and he pulled it. Because of that one piece of my cloth stuck in his hands . I saw a light in front of me. I just got the hope and ran towards that light. I saw a police station. I just went inside it.

I got really happy and scared at the same time. I was happy that finally I spared myself from those criminals. And scared because I was just running from my death 5 seconds before. A police men saw me and came towards me and asked, 

"What happened beta? Why are you so scared?"

After gathering all my strength, I said,

"Uncle, that boys, the.... they were behind"

After a little pause,

A voice came from inside,

"If you will wear such clothes then boys will definitely come behind you. 

I was in shocked. I didn't have enough courage to defend me so I stayed silent.

The police man dropped me at my home.

I told everything to my parents and explained them how scared I was at that point when those boys were after me.

They just said me one thing,

"Don't tell anyone about this."

"Forget everything?"

"If you will say any one about this incident, then what will people think about u. So keep quite and forget everything that happened."

I didn't have words to explain my sadness and dullness. That day I realized whatever happens it is always the fault of a girl.

This country maybe very vast and amazing but this country has failed to protect the women.

This is just unbelievable. 

A girl woke up, bathe, wore short dress, went outside and got raped by a stranger. NO NO THIS SEEMS WRONG.

A girl woke up, bathe, wore kurta, went outside and got raped by her male friend. NO NO THIS ALSO SEEMS WRONG.

A girl woke up, didn't bathe, went to living room to watch TV, her neighbor came unlocking the door and raped her. NO NO THIS ALSO SEEMS WRONG.

A girl woke up, went to living room where her uncle was there and got raped by him. IT IS ALSO WRONG.

No matter what a girl does or with whom she is whenever someone wants to rape he/she will rape. This is not the fault of women. This is the fault of mentality where men thinks a girl is just a thing which they can use whenever they want to. So change your mindset and stop BLAMING girls for everything they went through.


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