Amritangshu Ghosh

Children Stories Others Children


Amritangshu Ghosh

Children Stories Others Children

Return back to Time

Return back to Time

2 mins

My mom said, "Aman, go and sleep. It's midnight." So I closed my big mathematics books and went to the bed with my small 'Dinosaur Sticker'. I pasted the sticker on the curtain, and after some time fell asleep. It was too hot outside. I woke up, turned the air conditioner on, and went back to sleep again. After a minute or two, I went back to the pre-historic days. But, the scenario was not so pretty. There was neither any large building nor any kind of big playground. But yes, there was a little attractive matter going on in the forest. In the forest, there were some small bird-like-looking organisms. They came running towards me

I felt so good to feel the soft touch of the feathers, but that touch was poisonous. As they touched my hands some kind of toxic chemicals were secreted from their feathers. The chemical made me terrified as I was feeling uneasy and there was unstoppable itching in my left hand. But the main danger was waiting for me in the core of the forest. As the forest was becoming deeper and deeper, the entire environment was becoming quiet and at last, the quiet environment of the forest soon turned into a death site. A long animal was standing in front of me. It was neither a dinosaur nor a bear. It was so angry that it sounded like a wild beast. Long spikes were moving from its tail to head, but the most horrible part was that it had large-sized eyes. The eyes were bigger than its hands

. I tried to escape but failed it. It pounced on me, holding my legs with its dagger-like teeth. There was no one to help me. I shouted a lot asking for help but nobody replied to me. As I opened my eyes I saw two long bulbs on the two walls of my room glowing and there was my father in front of me looking at me like a stranger. I understood the whole fact and it was just a dream.

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